I edited the Game_Battler script to make it more simple, like in Paper Mario
Now, when you have a higher defense than the atk, the attack will heal them instead of hurting them. IIRC, in the original battle system, if the attack wasn't positive it would just be 0. Why isn't this happening with this edit? Did I accidentally delete a line or something that does that?
# ** Game_Battler (part 3)
# This class deals with battlers. It's used as a superclass for the Game_Actor
# and Game_Enemy classes.
class Game_Battler
# * Determine Usable Skills
# skill_id : skill ID
def skill_can_use?(skill_id)
# If there's not enough SP, the skill cannot be used.
if $data_skills[skill_id].sp_cost > self.sp
return false
# Unusable if incapacitated
if dead?
return false
# If silent, only physical skills can be used
if $data_skills[skill_id].atk_f == 0 and self.restriction == 1
return false
# Get usable time
occasion = $data_skills[skill_id].occasion
# If in battle
if $game_temp.in_battle
# Usable with [Normal] and [Only Battle]
return (occasion == 0 or occasion == 1)
# If not in battle
# Usable with [Normal] and [Only Menu]
return (occasion == 0 or occasion == 2)
# * Applying Normal Attack Effects
# attacker : battler
def attack_effect(attacker)
# Clear critical flag
self.critical = false
# First hit detection
hit_result = (rand(100) < attacker.hit)
# Calculate basic damage
if hit_result == true
atk = attacker.atk - self.pdef
self.damage = atk
# Element correction
self.damage *= elements_correct(attacker.element_set)
self.damage /= 100
# If damage value is strictly positive
if self.damage > 0
# Critical correction
if rand(100) < 4 * attacker.dex / self.agi
if atk <= 0
self.damage = 0
self.damage = atk
self.critical = false
# Guard correction
if self.guarding?
self.damage -= 1
# Dispersion
if self.damage.abs > 0
amp = [self.damage.abs * 15 / 100, 1].max
self.damage += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp
self.damage = atk
# Second hit detection
eva = 0 * self.agi / attacker.dex + self.eva
hit = self.damage < 0 ? 100 : 100 - eva
hit = self.cant_evade? ? 100 : hit
hit_result = (rand(100) < hit)
# If hit occurs
if hit_result == true
# State Removed by Shock
# Substract damage from HP
self.hp -= self.damage
# State change
@state_changed = false
# When missing
# Set damage to "Miss"
self.damage = "Miss"
# Clear critical flag
self.critical = false
# End Method
return true
# * Apply Skill Effects
# user : the one using skills (battler)
# skill : skill
def skill_effect(user, skill)
# Clear critical flag
self.critical = false
# If skill scope is for ally with 1 or more HP, and your own HP = 0,
# or skill scope is for ally with 0, and your own HP = 1 or more
if ((skill.scope == 3 or skill.scope == 4) and self.hp == 0) or
((skill.scope == 5 or skill.scope == 6) and self.hp >= 1)
# End Method
return false
# Clear effective flag
effective = false
# Set effective flag if common ID is effective
effective |= skill.common_event_id > 0
# First hit detection
hit = skill.hit
if skill.atk_f > 0
hit *= user.hit / 100
hit_result = (rand(100) < hit)
# Set effective flag if skill is uncertain
effective |= hit < 100
# If hit occurs
if hit_result == true
# Calculate power
power = skill.power
# Calculate rate
rate = 20
rate += (user.str * skill.str_f / 100)
rate += (user.dex * skill.dex_f / 100)
rate += (user.agi * skill.agi_f / 100)
rate += (user.int * skill.int_f / 100)
# Calculate basic damage
self.damage = power - self.pdef
# Element correction
self.damage *= elements_correct(skill.element_set)
self.damage /= 100
# If damage value is strictly positive
if self.damage > 0
# Guard correction
if self.guarding?
self.damage -= 1
# Dispersion
if skill.variance > 0 and self.damage.abs > 0
amp = [self.damage.abs * skill.variance / 100, 1].max
self.damage += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp
if self damage <= 0
self.damage = 0
# Second hit detection
eva = 0 * self.agi / user.dex + self.eva
hit = self.damage < 0 ? 100 : 100 - eva * skill.eva_f / 100
hit = self.cant_evade? ? 100 : hit
hit_result = (rand(100) < hit)
# Set effective flag if skill is uncertain
effective |= hit < 100
# If hit occurs
if hit_result == true
# If physical attack has power other than 0
if skill.power != 0 and skill.atk_f > 0
# State Removed by Shock
# Set to effective flag
effective = true
# Substract damage from HP
last_hp = self.hp
self.hp -= self.damage
effective |= self.hp != last_hp
# State change
@state_changed = false
effective |= states_plus(skill.plus_state_set)
effective |= states_minus(skill.minus_state_set)
# If power is 0
if skill.power == 0
# Set damage to an empty string
self.damage = ""
# If state is unchanged
unless @state_changed
# Set damage to "Miss"
self.damage = "Miss"
# If miss occurs
# Set damage to "Miss"
self.damage = "Miss"
# If not in battle
unless $game_temp.in_battle
# Set damage to nil
self.damage = nil
# End Method
return effective
# * Application of Item Effects
# item : item
def item_effect(item)
# Clear critical flag
self.critical = false
# If item scope is for ally with 1 or more HP, and your own HP = 0,
# or item scope is for ally with 0 HP, and your own HP = 1 or more
if ((item.scope == 3 or item.scope == 4) and self.hp == 0) or
((item.scope == 5 or item.scope == 6) and self.hp >= 1)
# End Method
return false
# Clear effective flag
effective = false
# Set effective flag if common ID is effective
effective |= item.common_event_id > 0
# Determine hit
hit_result = (rand(100) < item.hit)
# Set effective flag is skill is uncertain
effective |= item.hit < 100
# If hit occurs
if hit_result == true
# Calculate amount of recovery
recover_hp = maxhp * item.recover_hp_rate / 100 + item.recover_hp
recover_sp = maxsp * item.recover_sp_rate / 100 + item.recover_sp
if recover_hp < 0
recover_hp += self.pdef * item.pdef_f / 20
recover_hp += self.mdef * item.mdef_f / 20
recover_hp = [recover_hp, 0].min
# Element correction
recover_hp *= elements_correct(item.element_set)
recover_hp /= 100
recover_sp *= elements_correct(item.element_set)
recover_sp /= 100
# Dispersion
if item.variance > 0 and recover_hp.abs > 0
amp = [recover_hp.abs * item.variance / 100, 1].max
recover_hp += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp
if item.variance > 0 and recover_sp.abs > 0
amp = [recover_sp.abs * item.variance / 100, 1].max
recover_sp += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp
# If recovery code is negative
if recover_hp < 0
# Guard correction
if self.guarding?
recover_hp /= 2
# Set damage value and reverse HP recovery amount
self.damage = -recover_hp
# HP and SP recovery
last_hp = self.hp
last_sp = self.sp
self.hp += recover_hp
self.sp += recover_sp
effective |= self.hp != last_hp
effective |= self.sp != last_sp
# State change
@state_changed = false
effective |= states_plus(item.plus_state_set)
effective |= states_minus(item.minus_state_set)
# If parameter value increase is effective
if item.parameter_type > 0 and item.parameter_points != 0
# Branch by parameter
case item.parameter_type
when 1 # Max HP
@maxhp_plus += item.parameter_points
when 2 # Max SP
@maxsp_plus += item.parameter_points
when 3 # Strength
@str_plus += item.parameter_points
when 4 # Dexterity
@dex_plus += item.parameter_points
when 5 # Agility
@agi_plus += item.parameter_points
when 6 # Intelligence
@int_plus += item.parameter_points
# Set to effective flag
effective = true
# If HP recovery rate and recovery amount are 0
if item.recover_hp_rate == 0 and item.recover_hp == 0
# Set damage to empty string
self.damage = ""
# If SP recovery rate / recovery amount are 0, and parameter increase
# value is ineffective.
if item.recover_sp_rate == 0 and item.recover_sp == 0 and
(item.parameter_type == 0 or item.parameter_points == 0)
# If state is unchanged
unless @state_changed
# Set damage to "Miss"
self.damage = "Miss"
# If miss occurs
# Set damage to "Miss"
self.damage = "Miss"
# If not in battle
unless $game_temp.in_battle
# Set damage to nil
self.damage = nil
# End Method
return effective
# * Application of Slip Damage Effects
def slip_damage_effect
# Set damage
self.damage = self.maxhp / 10
# Dispersion
if self.damage.abs > 0
amp = [self.damage.abs * 15 / 100, 1].max
self.damage += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp
# Subtract damage from HP
self.hp -= self.damage
# End Method
return true
# * Calculating Element Correction
# element_set : element
def elements_correct(element_set)
# If not an element
if element_set == []
# Return 100
return 100
# Return the weakest object among the elements given
# * "element_rate" method is defined by Game_Actor and Game_Enemy classes,
# which inherit from this class.
weakest = -100
for i in element_set
weakest = [weakest, self.element_rate(i)].max
return weakest
Now, when you have a higher defense than the atk, the attack will heal them instead of hurting them. IIRC, in the original battle system, if the attack wasn't positive it would just be 0. Why isn't this happening with this edit? Did I accidentally delete a line or something that does that?