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Help Needed

Hi, I'm BallisticBlastoise. I'm working on a fan game called Pokemon Black Eclipse using poccil's Pokemon essentials starter kit. I basically need help scripting the first event after the intro screen and this is what it should look like:

-Main character is sleeping in his bed. [I have this one set as an auto-event]
-His mom should storm up stairs walk to his bed [From here this where all the scripting trouble starts]
-His mom should then talk him and get him out of bed
-And then take him downstairs.

Can anyone help out?



probably something small. could you take a screenshot of the event you're using to run this and post it here?

(Prnt Scrn, then paste into MS Paint and save. if you don't have a Photobucket account or something like it, http://bb.ohsk.net is a nice, quick site for uploading images without registering or filling out forms.)



oh, sorry. I meant the actual event page that detailed it. I just realized that you don't really need to screenshot it, either; transcribing what the events are and what order they're in should be enough. sorry for sort of wasting your time there.

first and foremost, make sure that neither the player or the player's mom have a move route that's blocked by the scenery or an invisible "barrier" (in case this is the problem, remember to always erase tiles by overwriting them using the blank tile in the very top-left corner of the tileset. other blank tiles could potentially have a passability set. (assuming this is XP. if you're using VX, ignore these parentheses)) if an event's move route is blocked by something, the game will either stop indefinitely as it waits for the event to finish its move route, or if you have "ignore if can't move" set, will loop indefinitely because it's Autorun, and Autorun events will always try to loop to the beginning after they end unless you Erase Event or set a self switch that leads to an empty page. they're very handy, though, and they're definitely the right thing to use in this situation.
Oh it's ok, I'm learning so I don't believe in wasted time. But anyway, nothing seems to be blocking the path. On the whole map, I have two events. One for the player on the bed and one for mom.

The player:
-Change Party Member, Add Player, Initialize

-Change Frequency: 5; Move Left x 3, Move Down x 3, Move Right (Under Autonomous Movement)
-Action Button



alright. couple things:
The player:
-Change Party Member, Add Player, Initialize
Autorun events will loop back on themselves from the beginning if you don't put measures in place to end them. in this case, the game is just adding the main character back into your party over and over, and that's why it's frozen.

to permanently prevent an event from repeating itself (even if the player leaves the lap then returns,) set a Self Switch to ON at the end of the event, and create another page of that event which requires that Self Switch to be ON. the event will switch to that empty page once it's gone through its programming once, and stay that way.
(Self Switches are switches unique to each and every event you create. every event has four, lettered from A to D. they work like normal switches, although one event's switches can't be changed or checked by a different event. they're excellent for making sure that events don't repeat one-time things once they're done.)

-Change Frequency: 5; Move Left x 3, Move Down x 3, Move Right (Under Autonomous Movement)
-Action Button
this isn't related to the freezing, but it'll be a trouble later. the event is set to Action Button, meaning none of this will actually happen until the player walks up and interacts with it.

what's important for a case like this is that you can set move routes for multiple events through one central event. here's a sample of one way you might choose to put together that scene, using the mom event to run the scene

> Change Party Member, Add Player, Initialize (the basic stuff)

> Set Move Route [Mom]: 3 Left, 3 Down, 1 Right (suddenly, a mom comes approaches!)

> Wait For Move's Completion (this just makes sure that the text doesn't show up while she's still walking toward the player

> Show Text: (whatever she's supposed to say)

> Set Move Route [Mom]: Change Frequency: 5, Left, 3 Up, 4 Right, Change Opacity (0), Through ON (this walks her back to the staircase, then makes her disappear when she reaches the stairs. Through will allow the player to walk through the space she used to occupy. You might also want to think of changing her Move Speed to match the player's, to keep him from walking right into her back later.)

> Set Move Route [Player] 1 Left, 3 Up, 4 Right (same thing as the mom. if you have an event on the stairs to teleport the player to the first floor, it should trigger when the player walks over it, but if I'm wrong, include a Teleport Player line after this one, aimed at the correct spot.)

>Wait For Move's Completion

> Self Switch A = ON (and if you create a blank page with the condition that Self Switch A is ON, this will prevent the whole scene from playing out again every time the player re-enters his room)
I haven't actually tested this out, so if something doesn't work or you have any questions, just shout.



nope. everything's set up by one event. things are just cleaner and easier to manage, that way.

also I made a minor edit to that example; forgot a "Wait For Move's Completion" thing near the bottom.
It works great but with one or two problems. The mom takes a while to start walking to the player(so it doesnt make her look like she really came up the stairs) and she doesnt disappear when she and the player get to stairs so the player doesnt get a chance to touch the teleport event.



I gave it a try myself, and this seems to work. this is in VX, not XP, but the commands I used haven't changed in between the two releases.


the word (Wait) next to the move routes is just VX's equivalent of the Wait For Move's Completion command.

the move routes are also obviously different, but that's just me using a different map.

Name: playersmom (first page)
List of Event Commands
Set Move Route[playersmom]
(Move directions)
Wait for Move's Completion


Set Move route[playersmom]
(Move directions)
Change Opacity: 0
Through On

Set Move rotue[player]
(Move directions)
Wait for Move's Completion

Control Self Switch A = On

page 2 (blank picture)
Action Button
Self-switch A is ON
Teleport Event
Player Touch

Is this good or you need me to show the actual events?
Figured out what was wrong. I had a teleport event on the stairs and the mom couldn't walk through it for some reason.

Now I have another problem. Once I get the mom and player to teleport downstairs, I want the player to follow the mom again(while downstairs) up to the professor in their house. I already got the player to follow his mother but getting the player to follow the professor after the mom is done talking is the thing thats not working for me.

I basically want to do a move route event for the mom and player and then one for the professor and the player

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