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Help needed + my work. Tileset

The first thing I'd suggest Is making your side view table and that pipe thing tileable. Then I'd find something for a reference and begin applying textures.
Alright first off they bench-top seems a bit too-thin.
Secondly there is no detail or shading, trust me a bit of shading will make it look better.
Thirdly remove that line where the two parts connect.
Forth the colour grey isn't a very good colour to use as a bar-top.

Mostly it just needs some detail to it! :thumb:
as you can tell i am new to tilesets and i did think the pipe was tileable until you said and I looked again and it would be strange. do you think a seprate tile just being the pipe without the supports would make it work better.

I understand what you are saying but the colors at the moment are just placeholders i wanna get the sizes and the shapes perfect befor i texture and color them. the solid colors are just to define.

If anyone could do some simple edits to explain where im BADLY going wrong i would really appreciate it
Yep, make a new tile. You aren't doing anything horrible at all. We need to see some shading before we can offer any real criticism.
well im going to be working on FULL HK sized tilesets so im going to first do everything like i have done and get crit along the way. then do all the shading at once and then ALL the textures. i think its the best way to get everything consistent. it also means we can start making the game before anything is finished :)
hey man that does look really good. what size tempalate is that made for. and can i steal it resize it and then remake it :P lol

its looking good

but i am guessing the perspective is very off on the bar. but maybe im wrong?
Devon, the perspective on that screen is really off. I think giving the stuff to Bunny would do more harm than help at this point.
Anyways, Bunny, I'll C&C this for you.
Here's a quick 45 second sketch I did for you, which should hopefully help you out.
http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn12 ... tch011.png[/img]
It's fairly basic, of course, as most of my design sketches are. But it should give you a push in the right direction.
EDIT: Ooh, nevermind. CS posted, and I didn't see it...
wow thanks all of you i will defo be sure to finish what i started. i have let MYSELF down to many times. and when ever i have people helping me it really gives me the inspiration to continue :)
Well, in my rough sketch, I made you a quick bottle and can... not sure what time period the game's in, as well as what you need specifically. Actually, I'd recommend that you use my sketch as a guide to come up with what you need yourself. If you're in control of what you have, your vision will match up perfectly with what you get. If you're having trouble, post what you've got so far - someone'll take a look at it.
the game is mixed periods. there are going to be futuristic places and at the same time places that still live in caves. its kinda like final fantasy 7.
just cause i compared it to a game people please dont think im copying.

its just become a hastle to explain exactly what i mean. but there will be no locations with our modern lives in. its all about imagination.

but thanks for the templates despain :D

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