What is it?
HBChan is HBGames.org's image board. It is similar to other image boards out there. Basically, you post images and comment on them anonymously. It doesn't sound very interesting but they're extremely popular.
How can I find it?
Are there any rules?
Please read them before posting and browsing.
What boards are there?
/h/ - hbgamms - general site and chat
/s/ - safely random - a general posting board (SFW)
/v/ - video games - self explanatory
/b/ - brandon - nsfw random board
Any mention of anything relating to "*chan mentality!(&"*($&*)"£", trolling, etc will result in BEING SHUNNED FROM SOCIETY. Any notion of hbgames is now 4chan ohgod will be looked upon with utmost disgust and shame. After all, when a site gets a wiki you don't say x site is now encyclopedia dramatica.
Anyway. Have fun.