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Harvest moon script set request. All scripters (that like harvest moon) plz read!

(I wrote this all in note pad and worked on it for like 20 minutes so... yeah lol, I put alot of work and effort into this request!)

Im sure almost everyone here has atleast one time experienced Harvest Moon. I would like someone to either make, or point me to a Harvest Moon script set. Alright, I'm going to list everything I'll need. I want to, for once, actually finish a project, so plz help me with this lol.
Scripts needed: (I'll have Description for each farther down)
1.Farming script
2.Mining Script
3.Cooking script
4.stamina/fatigue/time/seasons script
5.Marriage system
6.Menu System

Alright, here i go at describing these in as good of detail as possible! lol
-Farming Script-

Heres what it would need to include: Seeds you can plant, When you use a hoe on soft dirt it'll till it, weeds grow in the fields if you don't take care of it, plants have a 1/255 chance of being large (taking up 4 dirt spots instead of only 1), when planting seeds, they fill a 3x3 square around you.
For better detail, all bags of seeds must be equiped to your hand (I'll need a completely remade menu so this right now will see quite confusing) before use. The hoe tills the dirt (but its only 1 square big), but can also be used to get rid of un wanted seeds (can't be past stage one of growth). If you neglect your farm, weeds will start to grow in your field, and you will have to use a sickle to get rid of them. The large plant is basicly like saying its an extremely high quality plant, and there for, will first off, take up 2x2 blocks of land, replacing 3 other of that type in that box area. When you plant seeds, they have up to 5 stages. the seed stage, the first sprout stage, the second sprout (or fully grown) stage, and it goes on like that until 5. Alright, you have to water your seeds/plants until they're fully grown. after about 2 days, the plants go into withering stage, after 4 days, its dead and you have to get rid of it.
-Mining Script-

Alright, its exactly like any other mining. You use the hammer to crush the stones, you have a (depending on the ore) % chance of find an ore (also depending on the floor). Randomly on the map there will be a ladder placement for you goto the next floor. Thats all this script will need to do so, yeah lol.
-Cooking Script-

Ok. The game will have a list of recipe's inside the script. basicly, it should be like this, "Food name" is equal to ingredients (up to 8) + untensil (up to 8). This script should be easily called so i can set it up pretty easily lol.
-Stamina/Fatigue/Time/Seasons Script-

Ok, like it says, stamina and fatigue. You have stamina (which will be the parameter health), and fatigue (which will be the parameter sp). I want a script that when you do work, it drops your stamina. When you stamina hits 0, it starts to increase your fatigue. When it hits 100 (or the value of sp), your character gets to tired to work. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN HE PASSES OUT! lol. This, unlike all other harvest moons, i dont plan on it being so... strick on these things. You're character after that point just cant use tools until you rest. Along with, you can stay up as long as you want, even for days, up to 3 days. Then, basicly, your character will fall asleep where ever he is standing. The game will be split into 8 months. 2 months per season, 30 days each season. Each season has its own seeds which will be decided by a value in the name. 1 = spring, 2 = summer, 3 = fall 4 = winter. Now, the seasons also affect your stamina. So, in summer, its at max, in winter, you lose 2 times the stamina (4 times if its snowing, 2 times in summer if its raining). The time is split like this, 10 seconds = to 10 minutes of game time. a game day is split into 24 game hours. so you do the math lol. This could probably be split into to different scripts, a time one, and a fatigue and stamina script lol.
-Marriage System-

As it says, its a marriage system. To get a girl to like you, you have to give her preasents, take her on dates and what not. This will add to either one or the other value. The two values are friendship and love. Friendship goes up to the number 255, the love goes up to 65525. Every girl has a certain thing they like. And everyone in town has a friendship value. based on a personality you set up in the begining of the game affects how you get friends.
-New Menu-

Ok, I've got no way to explain this except like this. Its a bar along the bottom of the screen. First 1 is rucksack. its the inventory of your character. You are able to hold 8 tools (which will be in the weapons section of the database if that helps) and items (items section. things like a toy ball and a... pumpkin lol. Next would be farm stats. Basicly, this shows the animals you have (or had in the case that they died), What grade they are (or grade they were), the amount of items you've sold (and if you haven't sold a certain type, they don't apear), The amount of income your family gets, your wifes name and portrait, your wifes happiness, your wifes health, your wifes love for you (these only if you have a wife), how much your dog likes you, how good he is at fetch (it will be a mini game later on), how much your cat (if you get it), turtle, lizard like you (they're all in the same catagory), how much your kid (if you have one) likes you and how happy and healthy he/she is. Next set of stuff is this. Next is options. This is just speed of chat, game controls (2 different sets), and basicly, border style. Next is your farm upgrade list. Basicly, it shows what you have on your farm and what you upgrade. You should be able to have as many farm buildings as you want until your farm reaches its compacity. your house can be upgraded as much as possible basicly. (2 stories tall, and a couple of other stuff). Each farm building can be upgraded. And thats all lol.
Alright, thats all the requests and their details. I hope you all understand everything well. If anyone can make these, plz do, and if anyone knows where they are already made, plz telle me. Thank you all for taking your time to read this. Thanks again.



lol variables are "global" to the game... if all events were set up with a variable... then EVERY block would be effected by one event unless you're planning to have 200 + variables to run the events
Oh and thats y u use self switches.

Edit: Also my game is going to be more losely based off of Sprite Station (Harvest Moon DS), except without the constant glitches. So i want everything to be closer to that with a mix of FoMT. Which, in either way, is alot like 64.

Edit2: lol sorry I thought of another script i wanted. I want the game to be at an angle. The screen should be angled. Im sure some of you are familiar with the game FFTA. the maps looked more 3d because they were angled. I plan on my game being like that so i would like a movement script that, when press up, you go up-right instead of just standardly walking straight up. this will add more of a 3d effect i do believe :)



Each is going to have their own variable?

So like 200 variables on crops... another god knows on one for each person and how much they like you... another one for each of what ever items bought or sold... a lot of variables...
lol actually, im going to use a script for planting so that doesnt matter. the happiness of villiagers isnt to hard seeing how theres only 30 characters in the two, and 7 of those are bachalorettes. And, because mnies going to be more real, the variables recycle, when someone leaves town and a new cahracter comes, it replaces the old character that lived theres happiness with the new characters. Its quiet simple if you think about it. I dont plan on using many events except for with marriage and friendship.

Edit: And dude, if your going to keep being negative about this request, then dont post! its not like i asked you to or anything...
gorechild;293439 said:
Edit2: lol sorry I thought of another script i wanted. I want the game to be at an angle. The screen should be angled. Im sure some of you are familiar with the game FFTA. the maps looked more 3d because they were angled. I plan on my game being like that so i would like a movement script that, when press up, you go up-right instead of just standardly walking straight up. this will add more of a 3d effect i do believe :)

When you say angled, I'm assuming you mean isometric, right? That's gonna be pretty hard to make, because you're gonna have to find/make isometric char sets and tilesets, which will make ripping graphics out of HM games impossible. So you'll have to make your own, or edit existing HM ones...

Unless of course there's an isometric script out there that does everything for you, although I haven't seen one around yet.



HAHA! Lei is one step ahead of you! I have modified the breeze template to be 8-directional and am developing isometric tilesets. Yes they will be at the standard 26.5 degree game isometric angle so all will look nice.

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