You guys remember when I said I was working on a project with a few buddies? Sure you don't. Well, to keep it brief, my part in this project is to host a weekly podcast and also tackle the audio side of everything. Unfortunately, I tend to ramble and stumble over my words when not talking face-to-face, even with an outline or script. So. I intend to improve by essentially talking to you guys. And I want you to destroy me. Trial by fire. Or something like that.
Here's episode one.
I intend to do these as frequently as I can, and I hope that you guys can help me improve. If you can't, that's fine too; just have fun ripping me a new one over my terrible oratory skills and southern accent.
Here's episode one.
I intend to do these as frequently as I can, and I hope that you guys can help me improve. If you can't, that's fine too; just have fun ripping me a new one over my terrible oratory skills and southern accent.