Actually, most of what he says is completely true, although some are only views form the middle of the book.
If you're wondering how I know all of this so fast,
Book 4-12 hours
Book 5-8
Book 6-7
Book 7-approx 8 (started at 12 30, finshed around 9 30, but stopped to watch Psych fro about an hour, then there were a few chores that needed doing)
You might not believe this, but i DO read that fast.
Dumbledore's Sister is not a squib, but her magic is uncrontrolabble, like pre-pubescent wizards (the vaninshing glass etc)
Ron does leave the group temporarily, but comes back using Dumbledore's de-luminator.
Dumbledore did give grindlewald the idea of muggle domination, but that was through an obseesion with a holy-grail like myth (the Deathly Hallpws)
Also, a list of people who are tortured, permanently wounded and killed-
Major spoiler
Ron does leave the group temporarily, but comes back using Dumbledore's de-luminator.
Dumbledore did give grindlewald the idea of muggle domination, but that was through an obseesion with a holy-grail like myth (the Deathly Hallpws)
Also, a list of people who are tortured, permanently wounded and killed-
George(loses an ear)
Gegorovith(eastt european ollivnader, made Krum's wand)
Dean Thomas
May be more, I might have forgotten
Fred(Random Death Eater)
Dobby(Knife, Bellatrix Lestrange)
Crabbe(magicall fire he strated)
Goyle(assumed he went the way of Crabbe)
Lupin(Random death eater)
Tonks(Random DE, their newly born child is evidently adopted by hermione and ron over the course of the next 19 years)
Snape(voldemort, semi-willingly)
Wormtail(starngled by his silver hand when showing remorse)
Moody(Random DE)
Hedwig(Random DE)
Harry(Voldemort, willingly)
George(loses an ear)
Gegorovith(eastt european ollivnader, made Krum's wand)
Dean Thomas
May be more, I might have forgotten
Fred(Random Death Eater)
Dobby(Knife, Bellatrix Lestrange)
Crabbe(magicall fire he strated)
Goyle(assumed he went the way of Crabbe)
Lupin(Random death eater)
Tonks(Random DE, their newly born child is evidently adopted by hermione and ron over the course of the next 19 years)
Snape(voldemort, semi-willingly)
Wormtail(starngled by his silver hand when showing remorse)
Moody(Random DE)
Hedwig(Random DE)
Harry(Voldemort, willingly)
Harry is killed by voldemort. After viewing pensieve collected form Snape, he sees that Dumbledore inteneded for him to sacrifice himself all along. Harry is voldemort's seventh Horcrux, and because he wen twillingly to face death, only th part of voldemort in him was killed. He goes to a sort of afterlife wher he meets dumbledore, who explains this. When he comes round, he decides to "remain dead". Narcissa Malfoy is chosen to inspect the body, at which point she asks him if Draco is still alive in the castle. When he tells her that he is, she pronounces him dead. hagrid is forced at wandpoint to present Hary's limp body to the masses, lamenting harry's death to the centaurs on the way. when voldemort is announcing his victory, and torturinng Neville with a flaming sorting hat, the centaurs attack, momentarlyily breakiing the spell holding nevvile in place, at which point he draws the sword of Gryffindor out of the hat and kills Nagign(last hrocrux remaining). Harry disappers in the confusion, casting shield charms on those fighting the death eaters as he goes to face voldemort. Voldemort now has a wand of unlimited power, one of the deathly hallows, however as he did not take it from the person who won it from Dumbldore(draco), but snape, it is not at full power. As harry had earlier taken Draco's wand at the Malfoy Estate, the two wands worked against each other, each recognising Draco in the other. Because Harry had righfully won the wand, he was able to defeat voldemort, this time for ever.
19 years later, he and Ginny are married, with three kids, James, Albus and Lily. Hermione and Ron also have children going to hogwarts, although I'm a litte shaky as to which are theirs. Rose is attending Hogwarts, and is definitely their. They may also have another daughter, Victoire, although that may be one of Fleur and Bills, simply reffered toas "our" victoire. Ted Lupin, Tonks and Lupin's son, is adopted by the, it seems, as rose is outraged at he and Victoire kissing, because that would make them "cousins". Harry jokes that they might as well adopt him, seeing as he is over at their hose for dinner most nights. Draco Malfoy evidently survived as he too is sending children to Hogwarts. Voldemort is apparently still dead, as harry's scar has done nothing for 19 years.
19 years later, he and Ginny are married, with three kids, James, Albus and Lily. Hermione and Ron also have children going to hogwarts, although I'm a litte shaky as to which are theirs. Rose is attending Hogwarts, and is definitely their. They may also have another daughter, Victoire, although that may be one of Fleur and Bills, simply reffered toas "our" victoire. Ted Lupin, Tonks and Lupin's son, is adopted by the, it seems, as rose is outraged at he and Victoire kissing, because that would make them "cousins". Harry jokes that they might as well adopt him, seeing as he is over at their hose for dinner most nights. Draco Malfoy evidently survived as he too is sending children to Hogwarts. Voldemort is apparently still dead, as harry's scar has done nothing for 19 years.
Book 4-12 hours
Book 5-8
Book 6-7
Book 7-approx 8 (started at 12 30, finshed around 9 30, but stopped to watch Psych fro about an hour, then there were a few chores that needed doing)
You might not believe this, but i DO read that fast.