RIGHT ON! Can't wait! Hope to get a request in if I can... Anyway... I'm glad to hear your reopening soon! Hope I'll be up when your request station opens. As for my idea on what should be premium and what shouldn't I can't realy say... Their arn't that many style packs as of now and I think it would be only slightly restricting if you limit off a complet set, but you cant just limit off a color or type in a set ather, and you still have to restrict some to better your premium customers... Ahhh well. I'm sure you'll decide in due time! As for my request, I can tell you I'll be on my cpu all wednesday! Till then I got work to do on my game! Going though and brushing up the systems and graphics.
P.S.: You seem to be doing a lot of work resently. Maybe you should take a day or two off and just sleep! I mean summer almost is apon us! :lol: So don't over work yourself to much. Keep up the good work Hanzo! :thumb: