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Hanzo Kimura's Graphic Arts Request Station [FULL(DONT REQUEST RIGHT NOW!!)]

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SolarisSpell":5c0f029t said:
Hanzo Kimura":5c0f029t said:
Okay okay... Sigh...
here goes nothing...

http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... terior.png[/img]
Your Request is too complicated youve given too much detail i can't even bare to break what you want xD
I can't really cope to a request without any Specific Image Given and its hard
to look up for the image that i dont know if the person will like it or not...
i dont know if your going to like the logo
but feel free to say what you want ^^

-Hanzo Kimura

Hi Hanzo:

I tried to be very descriptive wanting to help you with the global idea of the logo, but iy didn't it has to be only that way. Sorry if the details became a difficulty.

By the way, the logo is amazing!! ^_^ It’s fantastic. I also like a lot that little small symbol in the centre. Thanks.

If it’s not much to ask, I’d like to ask if a small modification can be made. I’d prefer if the words and the logo has a more differenced color in order to clearly resemble the differences between them. To not make things complicated as I did in the request, I think this way could be simpler:

Use the render of the words in the background symbol.
And set ‘Dark Creation’ for the title.

Thanks a lot.

[Edit]Oh, sorry. But could you also add a 'D' in 'Legends by History believed' Thanks[/Edit]

PS.- Dream of a Saga is great! I love it pretty much. As always, amazing work!
Okay i'll try

Toshi":5c0f029t said:
I love it.... Thank you a lot.
Youre really the greatest!
*runs to change the title screen*
Your welcome

Marco":5c0f029t said:
Neverplayd":5c0f029t said:
Ehh... the Batch is full today, Marco. Come back Saturday. (And you also need a project link to your game.)
My project is in the Italian forum :(
it doesn't matter in what forum... just post a project link... but the requesting is currently close
because im already full... comeback on 4th batch

anyway somebody asked me if i will keep on going to take requests
my answer is no
this is a very limited time , maybe 4th batch will be the last
but if im still encouraged i'll continue to 5th batch,
All skills have limitation i think
Hanzo Kimura":1prknvyy said:
rikuken":1prknvyy said:
Go ahead and rest, you've been working hard, you deserve it, if these customers truly want a logo, then they can wait longer.

Nahhh... its not about the request actually... If i rest and sleep my day will become the night
and the night will become my day LOL... and it will go on and on, its hard to get back the sleep
in the right time again xD

Lol XD well, Keep on going.



Hanzo Kimura":6twlupsl said:
SolarisSpell":6twlupsl said:
Hanzo Kimura":6twlupsl said:
Okay okay... Sigh...
here goes nothing...

http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... terior.png[/img]
Your Request is too complicated youve given too much detail i can't even bare to break what you want xD
I can't really cope to a request without any Specific Image Given and its hard
to look up for the image that i dont know if the person will like it or not...
i dont know if your going to like the logo
but feel free to say what you want ^^

-Hanzo Kimura

Hi Hanzo:

I tried to be very descriptive wanting to help you with the global idea of the logo, but iy didn't it has to be only that way. Sorry if the details became a difficulty.

By the way, the logo is amazing!! ^_^ It’s fantastic. I also like a lot that little small symbol in the centre. Thanks.

If it’s not much to ask, I’d like to ask if a small modification can be made. I’d prefer if the words and the logo has a more differenced color in order to clearly resemble the differences between them. To not make things complicated as I did in the request, I think this way could be simpler:

Use the render of the words in the background symbol.
And set ‘Dark Creation’ for the title.

Thanks a lot.

[Edit]Oh, sorry. But could you also add a 'D' in 'Legends by History believed' Thanks[/Edit]

PS.- Dream of a Saga is great! I love it pretty much. As always, amazing work!
Okay i'll try

Toshi":6twlupsl said:
I love it.... Thank you a lot.
Youre really the greatest!
*runs to change the title screen*
Your welcome

Marco":6twlupsl said:
Neverplayd":6twlupsl said:
Ehh... the Batch is full today, Marco. Come back Saturday. (And you also need a project link to your game.)
My project is in the Italian forum :(
it doesn't matter in what forum... just post a project link... but the requesting is currently close
because im already full... comeback on 4th batch

anyway somebody asked me if i will keep on going to take requests
my answer is no
this is a very limited time , maybe 4th batch will be the last
but if im still encouraged i'll continue to 5th batch,
All skills have limitation i think
Thanx Hanzo ^^
I'm return saturday XD



Hey Hanzo, :D Well based on the new ones that you've pumped out rather quickly, I can say I'm very impressed. O.o

How do you manage to make them so fast? You use photoshop right? Anyways great work, take your time on mine, make it last if you have to. ^.^ I'm not really in a rush like others.
FireDragon_IceWolf":2jmaq02w said:
Hey Hanzo, :D Well based on the new ones that you've pumped out rather quickly, I can say I'm very impressed. O.o

How do you manage to make them so fast? You use photoshop right? Anyways great work, take your time on mine, make it last if you have to. ^.^ I'm not really in a rush like others.

Yeah made them quickly so i'll know what the requestor can say and what do i have to do next
im taking their opinion so i can satisfy their wants
Yo Kimura-sempai! Long time no speak! lol

As usual, all of your creations are so amazing! I'm actually starting to doubt if my logo is good enough. Specially upon seeing the sacred earth one. But don't worry though, I won't bother you on making me another one. >.<

Anyway, keep it up!^-^

Be sure to take a break, and give time for yourself!

Sige, kita-kits nalang po! >.<
Here we go again...

http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... sity-1.png[/img]
I'm not good at expressing the image xD

http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... Aceron.png[/img]
http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... MGames.png[/img]
Its a very simple edit and yet attractive... I hope xD
I dont know if im going to include the background image on the TrippleMGames xD...

http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... ries-1.png[/img]
Im maybe colorblind getting your color xD

http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... Artist.png[/img]
Your Request is not a game logo instead
something like a Company's Logo
You made it too open i dont know if your going to like this very simple rendering xD

http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... dSteel.png[/img]
A very long title xD


Just tell me guys if you want to modify your logos

-Hanzo Kimura
Cait":2dslitcy said:
Actually that's perfect :) 
Are you joking? some kind of an irony perhaps?

~R~":2dslitcy said:
Hanzo Kimura":2dslitcy said:
Here we go again...

http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... mories.png[/img]
Im maybe colorblind getting your color xD


Just tell me guys if you want to modify your logos

-Hanzo Kimura
Except by the Dessert(it was Desert), it's perfect.
LOL never notice that thing... My bad >.<
I'll fix it now ... wait for the fixed version
anything you want to modify?
hmm...the letters are a bit dark, if you could make them a bit lighter (Maybe like the Blue Cruise style pack with little bit more white added) that would be nice. The font was a bit hard to read (The T looked like an I) maybe something a bit easier to read would be better maybe like this: http://www.dafont.com/final-fantasy.font
Also maybe some decoration around the letters to make them stand out (something simple like putting a line above and below the word Adversity)
The airship is upside down (Although the angle is right) and I was hoping that it could be coloured as well so it would look like part of the logo instead of the picture behind it, something like this http://content.answers.com/main/content ... 7_logo.jpg (I know too much Final fantasy ;>_>)
The logo looks kind of dark but the theme of the game is really more light hearted.

Sorry about this, I guess I didn't describe things very well  :blush:
~R~":1nadw9uu said:
The dessert sounded funny
LOL, Maybe i was hungry when im making that logo xD

iceplosion":1nadw9uu said:
hmm...the letters are a bit dark, if you could make them a bit lighter (Maybe like the Blue Cruise style pack with little bit more white added) that would be nice. The font was a bit hard to read (The T looked like an I) maybe something a bit easier to read would be better maybe like this: http://www.dafont.com/final-fantasy.font
Also maybe some decoration around the letters to make them stand out (something simple like putting a line above and below the word Adversity)
The airship is upside down (Although the angle is right) and I was hoping that it could be coloured as well so it would look like part of the logo instead of the picture behind it, something like this http://content.answers.com/main/content ... 7_logo.jpg (I know too much Final fantasy ;>_>)
The logo looks kind of dark but the theme of the game is really more light hearted.

Sorry about this, I guess I didn't describe things very well  :blush:
Finally a specific Font :D
okay you didn't said to blend up the image because the example you showed me is something like that xD
i already have final fantasy font here ^^

Hows this looks like?
http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... sity-1.png[/img]
The Background image has a glow effect visible to dark bg

Dont hesitate to tell me what to modify okay ^^
im willing to take a shot
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