your welcome, sure , anytime ^^Clizzz":22rr4x3b said:Oh ... My ... Damn ... Gosh. SCORE! It's just how I wanted it .... Mwa ha ha ah .... The wind symbol is perfect, it'll fit right in with my current thread design perfectly!
Arigato, Kimura-san. We shall do business again soon!
Im glad you like it ^^Swordhunter":5s60l09p said:Its amazing thank you!!!!!!!!!!
Im so happy :DDDD
There is a HUGE credit wating for you!
it'll be on thursday or friday ^^Cait":2xqkzaut said:Wow! I love your logos. The question is when you can or are opening batch three. I would love to request one when I can.
Another Katakana Issues eh? lolcactus":9b7va0g4 said:Hi again :D Cactus back with some some katakana what might work better for your dark winds there ^^;;
Since although the letter WI still exists is pretty much NEVER used in modern Japanese. So I think you'd be better with going with UiNZU or DZU of you wanna be fancy ダーク・ウィンズ, ダーク・ウィンヅ.
My favorite band just happens to be w-inds. (pronouced winds! cute little j-pop band you should check em out XD) so i seen it katakana'ed lots XD
Id aviod ウインドズ because they use uindo more commonly for window XD
okay i'll try to mess it up a little later ^^Oburi":1uw6tsio said:http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z125 ... idgard.png[/img]
Oh man, this is so great...!!! Oo
I really love it, but can u look if u find some decoration for it...
I dont know really what could fit, but I am sure, u'll have some ideas, like a sword or something...
Thx a lot.
I dont know what is Visual Novels? is it a game?FireDragon_IceWolf":11rd1s5m said:Hurray! Can you do logos for other games like Visual Novels or Manga? >.> I'm doing a Visual Novel type game in XP. Also great logo design! I can only do simple banners with photoshop. >w< Great job, Kimura-san.
Thnx ^^monkeydlu":11rd1s5m said:wow, that sacred earth one is just.... wow O_O
simple but so awesome and professional, it's great XD *loves*
Im sorry, i thought so because your asking xDFireDragon_IceWolf":2xugyt0q said:lol I'm not requesting, sorry to confuse. But I was wondering if you could, since I didn't want to request if it couldn't be fufilled. Visual novel is like Seinarukana-ish. Characters talking to other characters using CGs and events.
The Requestor Want it color red so yeah i put red color...FireDragon_IceWolf":2idod7lk said:This is the current one I have. >.>' For my visual novel I'm doing.
http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f100/ ... waters.jpg
Link since file so huge.
But I kind of like......the Remnants of Hope one you did, although if it were in blue color it'd look much better in my opinion, but I like the color blue.... >.>'
I'll wait to request though.