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Half Kaizer work (need some advice on it)

Hello peoples i have been starting on making my character for my game called Swords Of Gale and i need some HK artist to help me with my work like improvement i have looked at a lot of other work and tried to figure it out but it is not working. So can you help me out?

And here is a second one

http://i510.photobucket.com/albums/s347 ... copy-1.png[/imgzoom]
Here is the updated one

http://i510.photobucket.com/albums/s347 ... hervey.png[/imgzoom]
here is a new one

http://i510.photobucket.com/albums/s347 ... lothes.png[/imgzoom]

Updated one
http://i510.photobucket.com/albums/s347 ... rvey-1.png[/imgzoom]

Please help me out. You will be fully thankful
He means you're just shading from the outlines and moving in, you need to actually give these pieces a light source(usually the upper left).
When you pillow shade it gives off the sort of impression that your light source is the middle of the piece, which ALWAYS makes it look horrible.
Here's an example:
2 circles, both use the same palette but see how the one on the right has a defined light source? it's not ugly and pillow shaded like the one on the left(ok, it is still ugly because I was feeling lazy so I have some sloppy outlines and didn't dither but you get the point).

Edit: Forgot to IMGZOOM
Grrr! Photobucket keeps giving me network errors so I can't post my examples.
Examples up!
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r134 ... Advice.png[/imgzoom]
Your using 6 colors on the shoulder pad and it looks messy. I think you can simplify the colors down to 3 or 4. You can arrange the colors in other ways besides Lightest to Darkest. That's how you make details. The examples I made used only 4 colors.
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r134 ... dvice2.png[/imgzoom]
The Child's hair needs more details in the strands of hair. You got the halo right, but it looks like it's just sitting in a outline. And the sideview is obviously pillowshaded.
In my example I left the left side unfinished and drew the spikes in red to say that this kids hair seemed messy like he just got out of bed. I didn't mean for you to make it look like that.
But If you were to spike up the hair on the entire left side it would look like this:
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r134 ... irhelp.png[/IMGzoom]

These sprites are viewed from the top down. See the dots on the right guy's head? The red dot is the top of his head. Green is the back and the pink is front. So If you draw spikes of hair in the back and rotate the sprite to the side the spikes should still be in the back. Also the light hits the character the same way regardless of his facing so the the halo will be present on all views.
The hair is parted at the top which makes the crease, in your side and back views the crease is too low or too far back.
I think you should reshape the vest.
The pants need a curve at the bottom. The shading looks nice at the knees but needs less shadow under and above it.
I liked the vest longer like in your first version.
The pants still need something. It doesn't really look different. Maybe adding small creases or folds on the out line so its not so straight.
You could probably just do a recolor of some jeans from the HKCP. You're using the old template so there's plenty of clothes that will fit him. From what I'm aware of the new HK temps are a pixel big in some places so the old stuff doesn't fit properly.
I don't know how to do his side view hair i just don't know how to go about it can you help me please
burningstar2000, I've merged your spriting topics together. you do NOT need a different topic for every new sprite you've made. Keep them all in one topic.
Since his hair is messy it would look relativity the same on both sides. So you can cheat and just flip it the other way for the other sideview when you're done.

Start by placing the front view and sideview together. Start drawing the hair outline and draw lines across from certain points of the hair in the front view. This way you kept the hair proportional and it doesn't magically change size when the sprite turns. For example: the hair in front of his forehead only goes down to the top of his eyes. So in the sideview make sure you do the same.

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