The legs compose approximately half of adult human height, and leg length is a somewhat sexually dimorphic trait. Height is also attained from growth of the spine, and contrary to popular belief, men are the "leggier" sex with a longer leg to torso ratio, conversely to women's longer torso to leg ratio. (The illusion of the proportion being the other way around is caused by fatty deposits placed high on women's hips.) Some of this growth occurs after the growth spurt of the long bones has ceased or slowed. The majority of growth during growth spurts is of the long bones. Additionally, the variation in height between populations and across time is largely due to changes in leg length. The remainder of height consists of the cranium.
The Vitruvian Man - Take your index finger and thumb and approximate the distance between the ankle and the crotch. Then compare that with the length of the crotch to the shoulders. About the same length. Women have slightly shorter legs on average, but not by more than a few inches.
The HK's torso is almost the exact length of its legs, making it accurate.