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Guild Wars 2 (also, Guild Wars)

They are :D
The graphic designers did a great job at coming up with a unique visual style for the game. They also look like they could be created faster than if it was of a finer style. The roughness matches the game setting.

Anyone up for joining a HBGames Guild? :)
I'll join one, can't say how active I'll be in it, but I have some guild token thingies to use somewhere so might as well put them somewhere.



I'd join, but I'm 100 % sure I can't be bothered to level up a new character. I'm horrible with alts. So unless the guild happens to be on the Ruins of Surmia server I'll pass :p
Well I made an hbgames guild just for the heck of it. If anyone wants an invite ill be more than happy to invite you.

The guild is called Hbgames and the surname is org
Okay so i got to level 21 so here are my thoughts so far:

I started out in Caledon forest. I really like the landscapes, they are pretty good for an mmo. I also like how the map sizes aren't overly large with vasts abyss of nothing. And i said this before but that loading screen art is amazing. I really enjoyed the landscape challenges simply because i find it cool to look around the environment for hidden pathways. It is neat.

Events were a really good idea. I prefer it over WOW's (admitting i didn't play past level 20 in WOW [I am comparing this to WOW because that is the only other MMO i have played]) fetch system. Even though the basis of event quests are the same, as in you basically kill stuff, you can do the grind with other people as well and get a bonus for doing so.

Getting past my first area though was such a grind. I did so much grinding and would be waiting for level ups. After that i ended up doing the metrica province as well, and that yielded me an additional 6 levels, which I thought was a good starting point for the Brisban Wildlands.

The only cities I have been to are Lionsarch, The Grove, and the Commons.

Right now I hit level wall in the Badlands so now I am starting Kessex Hills and debating if I should do Queensdale or not.

More people should play this.
This would be cooler to play with people.
Everyone here should join the guild.


Awesome Bro

Once I get back to it, I think I'll switch my hammer out for a sword or axe... but yeah, I got bored, I'll pick it up again EVENTUALLY... thank god it's free to play, right?
I liked Queensdale, but thats mainly because I have 3 accounts that are all humans, so I spent a lot of time there.

Divinity's Reach is cool though. Its my favourite city - It has an amazing atmosphere to it, and I don't feel as cold and lonely.
This game would be amazing with people to play with.

What servers are we all on?
I'm stranded on Isle of Janthir, because server transfers were once free. The guild I was in went server jumping to fight bosses, and I didn't play for a while and when I came back, I had to pay money to swap back. :sad:



You can join the guild regardless of which server you are playing on. If you want to play together however you'll need to be on the same server. Unless the guesting feature has been added recently, which should allow you to join friends on different server temporarily.
I think I can invite people, post yer usernames and I'll try next time I'm on GW2.

Also for shits and giggles if anyone wants a mugshot in the next ezine I'll do a thing on GW2 just because it's an interesting game (sorry strawberrii!)

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