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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

gubid your demo aint workin, i'd say somthin constructive but i can't go off on screenshots
What isnt working about it? Download not working? Getting errors?
Is there any chance you could write up a simple 'How-to' on making battles?
I've tried so many times to make one but it either gives me an error when I finish the battle (something to do with level ups) or the battle just doesnt end even though I've given the conditions for victory/loss and set everything up the same way you had in your demo. I've even gone as far as adding a new map to your demo and pasting the events and it still doesnt work.
I will get working on that immediately. I will update the thread with a new demo with more than one battle and some instructions on how to set battles up easier, maybe a TEMPLATE map?
That'd be fantastic. I've been looking for a battle system thats a bit different from all the others (side view, active, zelda like). If I knew how to succsessfully set up battles I'd definatly use this. It makes the player think more about what he/she is doing rather than just attack, attack, attack. I'm gonna use it for a more futuristic game though. Guns and Psychic powers will be the primary weapons, but your system can be easily changed to fit them with a few simple database edits and events.
download isn't workin
I just checked it a minute ago and it appears to still be working, give it another shot.

I have a problem?
This is more than likely that you havent placed your actor events on the map. It is trying to move the cursor to the "team leader" but because the actors werent spawned (due to it not being placed) it errors. The naming should be actor1.. etc, while enemies should be enemy1.. etc. Please let me know if this continues to be a problem.
This is an extremly well built system. No bugs as far as I can see, it does get a bit laggy at times and im pretty sure its not my pc. I can run bioshock and crysis with no lag so it must be the script. Good job man. Its nice to see someone picking up slack in this area.
This is an extremly well built system. No bugs as far as I can see, it does get a bit laggy at times and im pretty sure its not my pc. I can run bioshock and crysis with no lag so it must be the script. Good job man. Its nice to see someone picking up slack in this area.
Where exactly are you experiencing the lag. When the AI calculates there is a half a second or less wait time, but outside of that I am not sure where you would be seeing lag.
K i think i fixed that, now when i click wait it get error, Scene_Battle 2268
I am going to need a little more information. That line is the creation of the wait graphic. I personally have never, not even when writting this, experienced a problem with this area of the code. Please provide me with some extra details to the error.. A screen shot would be nice. Also ensure that you have the wait graphic files from the demo in your project, otherwise you will encounter file not found problems.
When the screen moves over to the player or enemies when its their turn. I expires some sideshow action going on. Not much but its noticeable.
I will look to see if there is a more solid way of updating the status window, cause cycles through over and over each and every turn and waste a lot of CPU. I already have a couple of ideas, but we will see how they pan out.
Hey Gubid, can you make the enemies Fade away when they died? :S that would be better if you ask me :p


EDIT: I tried to delete the DOWN thingy in the Script but it didn't work :( please help me :)
I have nearly finished the remove battlers from map (which fades in the standard red like the default battle system). Characters are being revived and so on now correctly, but I still have to finish creating the gui for reviving when that option is set. Then the next step is the AI. I think I will have them randomly choose a location in which they can use it and use it if someone is dead. That way I dont have to get too complex with it for determining far position etc.

Other updates from today..
1. Exp for all party members and variations setup and appear to be working correctly.
2. [BUG] Fix for line 4473 error, dont know why I didnt do it this way to begin with.
3. Faces is Status.. I am putting them in the right side of the status window and push the contents of the left side. So far it looks good - Not Complete
4. Remove Dead Battlers - This is mostly complete, just need gui and AI update for enemies and neutral characters. - Not Complete
5. [BUG]Animation occuring while screen scrolling, force screen to stop scrolling until animation complete.
6. Noticed default Failure Common Event was set incorrectly in GTBS module, corrected
7. Expanding Demo Story to include more than 1 battle, plus a BATTLE TEMPLATE map for easier new implementation. - Not Complete
8. Single Animation for spells set to ALL area of effect.. this way it doesnt play over and over for the larger spells(kinda annoying) - Not complete.

Well that is all I had time for. I will continue to work on the incomplete things later and will give you an update when I have one.

I plan to update the thread once all these updates are complete.
Gubid;324442 said:
I just checked it a minute ago and it appears to still be working, give it another shot.

This is more than likely that you havent placed your actor events on the map. It is trying to move the cursor to the "team leader" but because the actors werent spawned (due to it not being placed) it errors. The naming should be actor1.. etc, while enemies should be enemy1.. etc. Please let me know if this continues to be a problem.

I actually did do that. Let me show you how I have it set up.

Also I noticed that you cant use custom character sets. Every time I use a custom one It isn't visible. When I choose a battler, it shows the character sets battler. Like when I use a custom sprite and use fighter01 battler. The fighter01 sprite is used instead.
Does anyone els see that?
Ok, got it to work.
New problem tho. When the battle starts and begins to scroll. The music stops and it just shows my character. Doesnt give me any options. y is that?
Also I noticed that you cant use custom character sets. Every time I use a custom one It isn't visible. When I choose a battler, it shows the character sets battler. Like when I use a custom sprite and use fighter01 battler. The fighter01 sprite is used instead.
Does anyone els see that?
The reason it does this is because I have it use the battler sprite name to look in the char sprite directory(this is exactly the way that nick does it in his as well) To get around this I would suggest you import a blank battler sprite of the same name as your char sprite and it should work just fine. Just remember, that anytime you update their look that you need to update both the battler and the char sprite.
When the battle starts and begins to scroll. The music stops and it just shows my character. Doesnt give me any options. y is that?
Not sure, but I have a guess.
1. Your battle start event you showed on the screen shot... is it by chance setup to AUTORUN, and if it is did you set a switch and create a second page for PRESS BUTTON? If you havent done that second setup it will appear to "LOCK" the game as you mentioned. This will happen on the event if you do that as well. Point is though, that map events still could interfere with the battle hence you need to make sure those are closed up.


You set a victory condition that is met before the battle is fully ready to go.


you have it set on TEAM mode and it really isnt locked, you just need to click enter when the cursor is over the player to select them to start.
This battle system is intended to replace the default bs and hence it does not allow the old one to be used. I have had this question before and am thinking about making an option that you could "switch" to turn the TBS on or off. Perhaps I should put a vote on and see what people think, cause I dont know if I want to take the time to do it.

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