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GTBS v1.5.1.4 - A FFT Styled Battle System (5/19/2010)

I just test now I think I did something wrong nothing happens in the batte

is it the battler ID in the map or the database ?

and where do I have to add

unless @message_window.visible 

this code ? I dont get it which line 806 ?
DoublePost - I finally got around to making the EquipSkills addon.  Here you are -
class Scene_Battle_TBS
  include Equipment_Skills
  alias equip_skill_gtbs_addon_gold_gain show_gold_gain
  def show_gold_gain
    ap = Sprite.new
    @ap = 0
    for i in $game_system.tactics_dead + @dead_enemies
      if i.is_a?(Game_Actor)
        unless i.hidden
          # Add amount of gold obtained
          @ap += (Enemy_AP_Values.has_key?(i.id) ? Enemy_AP_Values[i.id] : Default_Enemy_AP)
    bmp = Bitmap.new(640,480)
    bmp.font.size = 70
    bmp.font.color = Color.new(30,30,30,255)
    bmp.draw_text(0,240-32, 640,64,"AP Gained",2)
    bmp.font.color = Color.new(255,255,255,255)
    bmp.draw_text(0,240-32, 638,64,"AP Gained",2)
    cx = bmp.text_size("AP Gained").width
    bmp.font.color = Color.new(30,30,30,255)
    bmp.font.color = Color.new(255,255,255,255)
    ap.bitmap = bmp
    ap.opacity = 0
    wait = 0
    loop do
      if wait < 20
        ap.opacity += 13
      elsif wait > 80
        ap.opacity -= 13
      wait += 1
      break if wait == 100
    for actor in $game_party.actors
Place this script in its own section below the TBS and below the EquipSkills Script to ensure it works correctly.
Hey Gubid, is there any way to implement aura skills? Think Paladins from World of Warcraft or CO Zones from the latest Advance Wars. I'm wondering if there's a way to have a skill that when used creates a stat buff zone of x panel radius.
It probably wouldnt be that hard.  Have a skill set a state for the actor.  Then based on what it could affect, check for actors that could have "state" and how, them having "state" would affect the overall attack etc.  I couldnt imagine it would be that difficult.  Tell you what, I will try to provide you guidance, and you do it!  Seriously though.
Gubid, thanks for your hard effort for making UMS and equipment skills compatible !
I didn't checked it all yet, but i feel really greatful to you.

and by the way, can U tell me some few things what is gonna be in Version1.5 ?



Argh...I think I just discovered a major conflict with a popular script.

Maplinks won't work with this in my game. At least not for me. Can anyone confirm/refute?

I made a backup of my game and deleted all the scripts for the GTBS, and maplinks worked again.

Is there an easy fix? I tried disabling the GTBS when I don't need it, but that didn't work.



How's the vx coming along? haven't found any more bugs on my end... but can you pm me the beta with the game over fixed? Might be limiting  my testing.....
After trying to inflict any kind of damage I get this error:

-'Scene_Battle_TBS-' 4721 Argument Error
wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)

That line is

target.attack_effect(@active_battler, affected_count)

Is it due to script incompatabilities or is it a problem with the configuration of the script?



I found another big glitch, but I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned it. It's pretty devastating to the entire system, so I'd be surprised if no one has found it yet.

When I move a character and it asks me if I want to move to the selected tile, I choose yes. Then I press the esc key and it lets me move again.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a glitch?
and by the way, can U tell me some few things what is gonna be in Version1.5 ?
Nope, its a secret!  j/k i havent really started working on it yet.  I have done a couple of bug fixes and added a couple new things, but overall not much has changed so far.  It will probably be a month or 2 before I release another update.  Too many things to do.

If your still looking for testers just give me a PM or Email sicjake@gmail.com

Having a blast with the XP version of the script, if you need some beta testing on the VX script it's the least I can do.
Sorry man, I completely missed this.  I am working on cleaning up the help files and then I will be releasing it.  Sorry.

Where can I adjust how much exp is awarded for each action?
Exp is awarded from the 'def gain_exp' method in Scene_Battle_TBS.  You can review the code there for changing the way it is gained.

Argh...I think I just discovered a major conflict with a popular script.
Maplinks won't work with this in my game. At least not for me. Can anyone confirm/refute?
I made a backup of my game and deleted all the scripts for the GTBS, and maplinks worked again.
Is there an easy fix? I tried disabling the GTBS when I don't need it, but that didn't work.
Hmmm..  Never tried it.  Can you provide me a demo with the problem so I can find out why its happening?

How's the vx coming along? haven't found any more bugs on my end... but can you pm me the beta with the game over fixed? Might be limiting  my testing.....
Almost done, just updating the help file for VX.

Can you PM me the VX script? Please?
Nope, please see above.

After trying to inflict any kind of damage I get this error:
-'Scene_Battle_TBS-' 4721 Argument Error
wrong number of arguments (2 for 1)
That line is
target.attack_effect(@active_battler, affected_count)
Is it due to script incompatabilities or is it a problem with the configuration of the script?
That error can happen if another script you have placed in your project replaces the attack_effect method for Game_Battler.  (there are a number of scripts that do this)  You will need to provide me a demo of the 2 scripts clashing and I will see what I can do to help.
Hey howdy GubiD,
is there any way to implement Wachunga's Fog of War script in with this here battle system?
During battle?  That would be interesting.  Personally I cannot see its use during battle, but outside it should be fine.  I cannot think of any reasons for conflict.

I found another big glitch, but I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned it. It's pretty devastating to the entire system, so I'd be surprised if no one has found it yet.
When I move a character and it asks me if I want to move to the selected tile, I choose yes. Then I press the esc key and it lets me move again.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a glitch?
I explained how to fix this a page or 2 back.  This will also be corrected in the next version.
Gubid":2qb6bf98 said:
Hey howdy GubiD,
is there any way to implement Wachunga's Fog of War script in with this here battle system?
During battle?  That would be interesting.  Personally I cannot see its use during battle, but outside it should be fine.  I cannot think of any reasons for conflict.
I am speaking of, in battle.
it would be neat, but whateva, I'll deal without



Gubid":i2qrk2cy said:
Where can I adjust how much exp is awarded for each action?
Exp is awarded from the 'def gain_exp' method in Scene_Battle_TBS.  You can review the code there for changing the way it is gained.
Awesome, thanks.

Argh...I think I just discovered a major conflict with a popular script.
Maplinks won't work with this in my game. At least not for me. Can anyone confirm/refute?
I made a backup of my game and deleted all the scripts for the GTBS, and maplinks worked again.
Is there an easy fix? I tried disabling the GTBS when I don't need it, but that didn't work.
Hmmm..  Never tried it.  Can you provide me a demo with the problem so I can find out why its happening?

Sorry, the demo appears to be down. =\

I found another big glitch, but I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned it. It's pretty devastating to the entire system, so I'd be surprised if no one has found it yet.
When I move a character and it asks me if I want to move to the selected tile, I choose yes. Then I press the esc key and it lets me move again.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a glitch?
I explained how to fix this a page or 2 back.  This will also be corrected in the next version.
Thanks! You just made my day.
Okay, nevermind I got my error fixed...

Only to get another one. I have attempted removing all my scripts, copypastaing scripts into your demo and such, but I'm not getting the same error, I've even tried copypasting my configuration of the GTBS into your example and to no avail. Maybe it's something else I'm missing?

Whenever I attack an enemy from behind:
-Anim_Obj- Line 55 Undefined 'name' for nil:NilClass

The line is

  @turnable = animation.name.downcase.include?("[turn]")

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