Came across this while doing some web design work, it's a quick tool for generate color palettes of up to 8 colors. It's similar to methods posted in tutorials here, but it's quite a bit faster for generating full palettes. The only drawback is that it uses hex color codes which aren't supported in Graphics Gale, though it can output in RGB values. It also stores your base colors for you, so you can pick your standard light and shadow color and simply change the base color, then go back to them any time you need to. Anyways, check it out, very handy.
Came across this while doing some web design work, it's a quick tool for generate color palettes of up to 8 colors. It's similar to methods posted in tutorials here, but it's quite a bit faster for generating full palettes. The only drawback is that it uses hex color codes which aren't supported in Graphics Gale, though it can output in RGB values. It also stores your base colors for you, so you can pick your standard light and shadow color and simply change the base color, then go back to them any time you need to. Anyways, check it out, very handy.