On your latest Iso tiles: everything looks in scale except the book, it feels a bit to big. Rug, desk, shelves, and the rest all look nicely in scale,
The world map visually looks pretty good though the shading doesn't blemd too well between dark and light green areas on the left (the dark green area looks abrutly higher than the light to me) Geologically, not so sure. It feels a little odd to have a desert that far north, but technically, a tundra can be a type of desert. Hard to say really.
The world map visually looks pretty good though the shading doesn't blemd too well between dark and light green areas on the left (the dark green area looks abrutly higher than the light to me) Geologically, not so sure. It feels a little odd to have a desert that far north, but technically, a tundra can be a type of desert. Hard to say really.