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Gosu question

Not sure if this forum is still alive, but here goes:

I just started using Gosu to make a side-scrolling shooter. I've got the scene system working since that's what I'm used to from RGSS, but something is bothering me. If the user manually closes the game window, it just closes it and leaves the console window open. I'm not sure if there will even be a console window when I export the final product, but is there anyway to detect if the user is closing the window manually (X button) and call $scene = nil?
I think you do it like
require 'stuff'

class Stuff

def some_stuff




w = Gosu::Window.new(640, 480)


w.show is a loop which lasts as long as the window is open so the code ($scene = nil) has to be put after that.
your Scene system shouldn't use a global variable :)
And I'll suggest you use chingu, ( a framework for gosu ) that makes life so much easier.
Among other incredible features, it has something called game_state which is basically the same as a scene :) but works much nicer .

instead of using "$scene = Scene_stuff.new " you call in your window:
push_game_state(Menu) for example
then in the Menu gamestate, you can have "switch_game_state(Map)" etc .. :)

it has a simple fade in/out transition system integrated, and you have methods like "setup" and finalize , to prepare/remove stuff when changing game_states.

gem install chingu :) to install it :) it's all ruby, so no worries.

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