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Goonzu rocks!

I recently downloaded an mmorpg, Goonzu, and i love it. A lot of people here have probably played runescape, It's similar to that but a whole lot better.
You can do quests, kill monsters, be a crafter (You can make food, medicine, and equipment). You can get horses (Like 6 colours + Tiger and a vixen, like a big red wolf w/ lots of big tails). It has a great community (people are nice ^^) and the graphics, though 2d, are great. You can buy shares of towns, become the leaders of different towns. Join a town, join a guild. Best mmorpg I've ever played, i like it more than WoW.

Here are some screens (colours are screwed up, had to save as 256 colour to upload):
Heres me attacking a country rat
And me leveling my helmet manufacturing skill
And woohoo! I finished a quest of giselles!

Has anyone else tried this game? Heres the site: Goonzu You can only register on Internet Explorer, which is dumb. Download is about 730mb. If you play, add xXxInfernoxXx as a friend, and ill accept you.

EDIT: If you play, when you start a new account, and a character, it'll ask for a recommender. Put xXxInfernoxXx and i'll give you some free stuff ^^
It actually looks identical to Ragnarok Online. Even the interface is identical.

Can't those crazy Koreans come up with some sort of new MMORPG style?

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