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Good Omens

*Potential spoilers ensue*

We've all read at least one angels versus demons apocalyptic parody, right?

You haven't read one as good as this, honestly.

For those who don't know, Good Omens is a collaborative work by Terry Pratchett and Niel Gaiman. Terry went on to write 34+ Discworld books, and Gaiman to write books such as Coralline and Stardust. But before this book one was a journalist, the other a report writer for an electric company; neither were after money with the book and neither saw it as ever being published but it happens and ~

Good Omens stars kids at the heart of it, yes, but it's actually a really good book. A lot of good questions are posed for what is essentially a parody, and it isn't being anti-religious nor pro-religious.


I just finished reading this for the first time, having previously been a huge Discworld fan. I'm tempted to read it again, and definately want to read some of Gaiman's books now.

I think what struck me most was that it all took place in England - one scene, where it rains fish on "a mile North of Junction 10 of the M6" actually takes place like next to my house :x which I found pretty lolworthy.

But yeah, it's a good book, I heartily recommend it, and am wondering if anyone else has read it or wants to discuss it.



This is one of my all-time favorites. I'm moreso a fan of Terry Pratchett than Neil Gaiman, but it's obvious that the two of them working together = magic.

Crowley annoyed the hell out of me for some reason. I guess I always got the vibe that he was Gaiman's author-insert character.
Yeah there was something about him. I dunno. I liked Arizaphale though.

I thought the Queen joke was said too much. It would have been funnier if they'd waited at least two pages before repeating it :x

(The whole old cassettes become Best of Queen if left in a car for two weeks)
Yeah the version I've got is really recent and has discussions with the authors in and things. It was while Neil was still a journalist and Pratchett still working at the electricity board. "Terry has just written a nice little fantasy book called The Colour of Magic...

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