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Golden Sun's Item Per Person System



Alright this is what I want: instead of having one big list of items where every character in the party can use, each character has a "pack" of items they each carry and only they use.

Each characters pack can hold a certain amount of items and you can move them around and discard items. Every time you find an item of buy an item, the item will automatically go to the first person with space. If there isn't any room you would get a message that ask you if you either discard an item or don't.

Also as for equip items (such as weapons and armor) the item still appear in the pack even if equiped (those items are marked with E's) (so it takes up space and have you decide only what you need).

How I would like this to look like is all the "pack" windows all appear on one screen and you can easily scroll each of them.

So to list things off:
  1. Each character holds a certain amount items (nothings to do with weight) that only they can use.
  2. If they die the other characters can use them in battle but still able out of battle.
  3. Equip items remain listed in the characters packs even if equipped and are marked with Es (and are part of the item limit per pack).
  4. The items can be moved around from character to character and can be discarded.
  5. When finding, receiving, or buying an item it goes to the first character with an open spot. If not you would get a message asking where it should go and what to be discarded.
Thank you a head of time to who ever help me. I'm sure there are other people who would like to have this done too.
As I have said, I have a few other scripts that were requested personally of me, so I have to do those first, but I have tons of ideas on how to do this system pretty customizable.

I would say no need to bump anymore ;)

Thank you for viewing

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