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gold and silver coins




I have a request for you. I think it can be done by limited scripting knowledge but I have no scripting knowledge at all.

So please help me!

I'm dreaming of a system which uses the default money system. (I will rename system words for gold to silver) It should work like this. If you carry 10 silver pieces it equals 1 gold coin. So if an item cost 24 money points, it's 2 gold coins and 4 silver. The problem is only that it should be on shop screen and in the menu too.

I hope it's not a hard one. I really need this.

Please Help!

And thank you.
I considered a similar system with 4 coin types. So I'm responding to bump, as I'd like to see how someone might implement this.

The reason I didn't persue it was: There are too few situations in gameplay where it really matters. The only examples I could think of are: not being able to make the correct change, or not fitting in the current environment (If you're paying with gold in a poor neighborhood, you might get robbed. If you only carry copper coins, you won't be accepted in the Rich areas.)

I'd be interested to hear if there are any other practical applications that would add value to the game, and make it worth the effort of scripting it.

Be Well

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