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Global Warming

Do you believe in Global Warming?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 14 37.8%

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Global Warming

Global Warming is the increase of the average temperature on Earth. Many scientists agree and disagree with the theory that global warming is taking place. Many enviromentalists are taking charge and spreading the word about global warming. Many bussinesses also try to go green, to increase their sales and attract more costomers. What do you think?

  • Do you think global warming is real?
  • Do you think that the media and businesses are hyping global warming too much?
  • Do you think that we, as a society, should switch to greener energy?
  • Do you think the idea of global warming is being pushed onto society?
  • Do you think global warming is human caused or is it just nature?
Idk, but they should be.

It's obvious, if you live in Britain, that the climate is changing, whether or not it is our fault.

Look at Tukesbury, Gloucestershire, etc, a year or two back. Completely flooded.

Tornadoes in Birmingham, in England, the place that doesn't do tornadoes.

Regardless of whether or not we should be being eco friendly due to global warming though, I think we should anyway, simply because it is a lot nicer. My town is pedestrianised, for a small part, and is nice to walk around without cars and smoke and pollution.

Dropping litter, graffitiing buildings, smashing bus shelters; it's all pointless and just makes the place look bad and makes the people feel bad. I think that frankly, anyone who doesn't care about their environment should be ashamed of themselves,



don't they call it climate change nowadays?

* Do you think global warming is real?
yes. cyclic or not, shit's going down. shit's changing.

* Do you think that the media and businesses are hyping global warming too much?
it's not so much that as everyone talks like they're trying to be greener but it doesn't have any huge momentum yet. it's become kind of a prerequisite that people talk like they care about this shit, but all it really is is tossing "green" into a commercial somewhere.

* Do you think that we, as a society, should switch to greener energy?
I see no reason not to. even if climate change isn't caused or aided or whatever by our waste, it certainly can't be a good thing that we're flooding shit with carbon. simply putting more efficient means of extracting power in place would be cool -- coal pollutes, sure, but the big thing is that with the costs of mining, transportation, extraction, etc., it's also incredibly inefficient. anything that lets us waste less of our shit is a good thing, imo.

* Do you think the idea of global warming is being pushed onto society?
yeah, but in a way that won't actually motivate people to get shit done unless they're already environmentalists.
Have any of you heard the term "hockey stick model"? That is used in reference to the model showing global temperature trends used in stuff like Al Gore's documentary. Not only is it inaccurate, but it is just plain stupid. The model doesn't show anything about the "little ice age", where temperatures dropped far below pre-industrialized norms for a few decades. Nor do they mention the fact that, in reality, 1932 is the hottest year on record. (or was it 1934?) And they NEVER mention the fact that, if you look at the temperature scales going from the time life began to the present day, you'll see a general cooling trend, as well as the fact that temperatures today are nowhere near the highest they've been while complex life forms have existed on this planet, and are, in reality, much cooler than most parts of the past.

Incidentally, the warming trend in the hockey stick model starts before even Britain started to industrialize, by about 50 years. (And Britain was the first)
Global Warming is a natural process - the earth's orbit changes and becomes more circular, end of story.

This whole global warming hype is simply dudes trying to make money off people...
They try to push expensive "solutions" on us so that they milk are wallets
Do you see Al Gore Becoming greener? huh? NO, his big-ass house wastes tons of energy...
But the rules he made don't apply to himself.
If you can find a simple inexpensive solution to be greener GREAT :D, but there aren't any right now

And I even doubt that this is occuring as fast as they say,
for goodness freaking sake we had the coldest winter for a long time down here, and half the palms in my back-yard died,

(Also Bacon are all these recently spawned symposium topics by you, just you trying to win the symposium award, huh?)
Cuz we use to many CO2 outputting machines

Nature, it has been going on since the beginning of this world, the climates in certain places change, like holland gets warmer, BUT kenia gets colder, its just the climates changing
Do you think global warming is real?
Do you think global warming is human caused or is it just nature?

This is a tricky question. There are many renowned experts that say so, and others that state otherwise. We simply don't know that well how climate works. I certainly think that it must be true to a certain extend. There is always a certain amount of carbon in the air, and some in the ground. Now that we are pouring it all in the air, it must be of some consequence. (Reminder : The carbon in the ground is dead plants who absorbed carbon in the air during their lifetimes. It's a cycle.)

Plus, the poles don't start melting just for the fun of it. Now whether it's the consequence of human action or nature fluctuations in the climate is debatable, however, there must be some warming going on.

Do you think that the media and businesses are hyping global warming too much?

Perhaps. They may be, but could also be underestimating the problem. It all depends on the real numbers - which we don't have. If the hype is exaggerated, however, it won't be forever. The melting of the poles reduces sun ray reflections, so one of our stabilizers is dissappearing. But if the permafrost melts, though, the climate may very well go out of control, due to the methane contained in it.

Do you think that we, as a society, should switch to greener energy?

We have to, and it's not about environment. We all know oil is not forever, so we have to find an efficient alternative. Imagine if we don't - no transport, no trade, no organization (all is organized through computers), etc, etc. Disaster.

Do you think the idea of global warming is being pushed onto society?

If it is, I'm not sure it's a bad thing.
* Do you think global warming is real?

* Do you think that the media and businesses are hyping global warming too much?
I don't think it's possible to over-hype global warming too much. The concept is simple, the globe is warming, regardless of whether or not humans are the sole cause of it. Facts are facts. Arguing over semantics is futile to the nth degree.

* Do you think that we, as a society, should switch to greener energy?
Yes. Very quickly.

* Do you think the idea of global warming is being pushed onto society?
I think it has gained popular support because of how neutral of an idea that it is. Improving the earth is not something you can argue against unless you don't care about this planet. And if you don't care about this planet then your not the type of person whose opinion should matter in the public forum.

* Do you think global warming is human caused or is it just nature?
I think it is a natural process that has been pushed along ahead of schedule due to man's interference with nature. We have chopped down trillions of trees which turn harmful gasses into oxygen, we have burned up trillions of tons of non-renewable resources that have released more harmful gasses into the air. So we've increased the stress on the ecosystems of the world and taken away much of it's defenses. I am sorry, folks, to those of you who have fallen victim to this propaganda conspiracy theory, but once you start to actually think about how much damage we do to this planet...ignoring human fault for global warming kind of seems like a joke.
I would like to add a little note. The earth really doesn't need to be taken care of. It has survived through volcanoes, glacial ages and meteors many times before. Worst case scenario, 90% of species will die and it'll take a few million years to get back on track (see : previous disasters). The question is : can we, humans, face the consequences and be part of the 10% that survives?
According to the IPCC, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the leading international group of climate scientists report, in the strongest language ever used by the IPCC, that human activity “very likely” has been the primary cause of global warming since 1950. The term “very likely” indicates more than 90 percent certainty. They also report that human activity has been a major contributor to climate change since the Industrial Revolution, which began around 1750. Human activity is likely the leading cause of global warming and it is directly connected to fossil fuels.



They try to push expensive "solutions" on us so that they milk are wallets
the people putting this forward are not the people making a profit. the companies are taking advantage of the buzz and they are certainly aiding it, but they didn't have a hand in creating it. the fact that something's being used as a marketing gimmick doesn't necessitate a conspiracy

The earth really doesn't need to be taken care of. It has survived through volcanoes, glacial ages and meteors many times before. Worst case scenario, 90% of species will die and it'll take a few million years to get back on track (see : previous disasters). The question is : can we, humans, face the consequences and be part of the 10% that survives?
yeah uh no one's saying we should do this for the hunk of rock we're sitting on because yes that will stick it out forever and while I don't see climate change killing off 90% of anything under any circumstances but yes it would really suck if that happened. I really don't get what you're saying here because you're arguing in one direction but saying you're arguing in another one.
Thing is that even if humans aren't the cause, I for one would like everyone to think it is so that we have cleaner streets and a nicer place to chill ~



yes exactly. there can't be many good side-effects to all the wasting we're doing, and things like more efficient energy are in our own best interest as well. not so much things like carbon scrubbers, but those are just cool.

anyway we might as well do what we can because whether or not the world is gonna get messed up via our shit, I'm sure the citizens of places such as Mexico City would appreciate not needing to wear facemasks when walking around outside.
one way those jackasses in MC could improve their air quality is by banning leaded gas, for one @_@

"oh boo hoo unleaded is expensive"
"here guadalupe put on this oxygen tank"
Do you think global warming is real?

Do you think that the media and businesses are hyping global warming too much?
Uh, shyeah.

Do you think that we, as a society, should switch to greener energy?
Sure, as long as we don't do it for the wrong reasons.

Do you think the idea of global warming is being pushed onto society?
Yes, by the media and other people with authority in favor of global warming.

Do you think global warming is human caused or is it just nature?

I don't know how it started, but global warming has been an idea in our society for a while now. Apparently, 100 years of car use and less than 200 years of factory use is enough to destroy a planet of +millions of years. Tell me, how that makes sense. I believe yes; maybe if humanity reaches years and years and YEARS into the future, then global warming could be a possibility. But now, no way.
Most global warming 'foundations', so to speak, are littered with corruption and other impurities that rarely get money for the environment into the environment. It isn't exactly companies, such as I don't know, maybe Glade or Clorox or whatever, that are profiting from global warming. It's the men in politics and associations that get the gross amount of money. THEY benefit from the laws and restrictions, not the environment.
I believe the 'global warming' we are experiencing is nothing more than an ebb and flow of the climate that has been going on forever. And even if you do believe in global warming, and would like to help the environment (which, I have no problem with) find a different way to cope than paying embezzelers feeding off the naivity of the common US citizen.



Statistically there is a very high chance of global warming taking place.
Few, very few scientists disagree with the theory of global warming taking place right now.

Why is there global warming? Do humans have a significant impact? What will the long term effects be? What can be done about it?
It's for such questions that the scientists split up.
Maybe it's just natural fluctuation. Maybe it's a natural fluctuation where humans has caused a larger fluctuation than normal. Maybe they haven't. Maybe there is decades of global warming coming and nothing really to do about it so the only thing we can do is to adapt to the climate changings.
The systems are far too complex for anyone really to know what happens and the number of contributing elements are so large that I do not believe you can single any element out as the cause.

- Zeriab
I remember whatching something on the TV a while ago on Global warming, this scientist said that the effects would of happened regardless of pollution and all that, we are just accelerating the time in which it will happen.



and what does that change? obviously we're having an effect on things.

besides, there are other reasons to stop filling the ecosystem with terrible shit

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