There's no doubt that global warming is real and happening. Anybody that tries to refute it is an idiot that gets their information from biased right-wing sources and Fox News.
Ok maybe that's a little extremist but there is pretty much no reputable climatologist out there denying global warming is real and it's happening right now. The term 'global warming' itself tends to cause a lot of confusion unfortunately with people completely misinterpreting what it really means.
Global warming means the average temperature of the planet is rising. It does not mean that every single place on the planet is going to get warmer. A better term is 'climate change', because as the earth gets warmer, the weather will change depending on where you are. It's not just a uniform temperature gain. Obviously in places like the poles there will be a dramatic increase in heat - we're seeing just how bad it is already.
However, you'll see a lot of people take last year's winter in the US as an argument against global warming. (political cartoons are especially bad for this!) Yeah, nobody's denying the midatlantic (Washington especially) got hammered with one of their coldest and snowiest winters ever. But the fact is that just because a small part of the planet is cooler than usual does not refutre global warming. As the average temperature increases, some places will get warmer, some will get colder; some will get drier, some will get wetter. Seeing so much blatant misinformation and lies being spread as fact induces me with so much RAW RAGE you have no idea!!
But our addiction to oil is so strong that very little is likely to change in the next few years. Places like Pakistan and Afghanistan, already some of the most wartorn and difficult places to live on the planet, will keep getting drier (or wetter, like with Pakistan's flooding) and finding sources of potable water will get harder and harder. Global warming, ultimately, is not just an envionmental - it's an important issue of security as well. It's something that always gets brushed away by idiots who don't think it's a big deal, when it's going to change the life of every living thing on the planet forever.
Sensationalizing global warming with anecdotal evidence and appealing to our emotions isn't the way to go, either, but unfortunately the media has become so saturated with fear tactics that people have begun tuning out anything relating to global warming and dismissing the changes our planet is experience as part of a 'natural warming cycle'. Basically, we're screwed.