
XALE is a world governed by the eight Divinities of the elements: Ashe, Rayne, Glacia, Terrin, Starr, Luna, Silva, and Tempess. They keep the world protected and regulated.
Over time, these goddesses have been mysteriously falling asleep, affecting the seasons in catastrophic ways. As a result of their slumber, lyrical priestesses known as Stonesingers, are convinced by the Crusaders to make a pilgrimage across Xale to awaken all eight Divinities to prevent further calamity.
But how will the heroes avoid the deadly wrath of the goddesses?
Understanding the mystery of ghost shards may be the key to victory.

Narie Tearwyn
Age: 19 | Race: M'vyr | Weapon: Sword
Narie is a short-tempered, headstrong young woman and the twin sister of Sarie. She has a strong sense of justice, vowing to protect her loved ones with her life. Knowing the danger Sarie must face, she travels with her sister.

Sarie Tearwyn
Age: 19 | Race: M'vyr | Weapon: Staff
Despite being the older twin, Sarie is actually much more frail than Narie. She is a peaceful-loving girl, preferring the art of speechcraft over physical fighting. Sarie is currently engaged to Kyran, her true love.

Kyran Sage
Age: 21 | Race: Human | Weapon: Twin-blades
The self-claimed protector of the Tearwyn twins, Kyran is cocky and very optmistic. Nothing seems to bring him down, even as he faces death in the face. He is currently in love with Sarie and is her fiance.

* Action Battle System with Allies
* Voice Acting
* Custom Artwork

Nerd Bomb Studios
(Star | Melanii(pon) | Princess_Klutz | Ninja_Slap | Catfire321)
Enterbrain (RTP)
Wyatt (Various tiles)
Thutmose (Cloud autotile)
Venetia (Various tiles)
XMO (Logos)
Pathfinding (RPG aka Cowlol)
Auto-Scroll (Sephiroth Spawn)
XAS and Addons (Moghunter and Xiderowg)
Ccoa (Universal Message System)
Enemy Detection (Gubid)