Juan J. Sánchez
12:50 pm: Ate a gyro. Half a gyro. Now I'm tired. Might take a small nap. Bought The Beatles coasters. Met a cute girl at the shop.
You were lucky it seems. I have never received so much distinction in my life.Venetia":5963dw60 said:Poor Juan
I personally am rather fascinated in biochem, but organic chemistry is an entirely different matter. I can visualize many of the biochem reactions & the "why"s or "how"s. But organic chemistry usually just makes my eyes glaze over in the same way that calculus, physics, etc. does. Letters and shapes with no illustrative reasoning. Bleh.
Though I studied biochem mostly in practice, which likely was the biggest help. Did a shit-ton of experiments. If I were to just read about it on paper and try to memorize it that way, I'd be sunk. I'm too visual. I can't seem to grasp concepts or equations I can't visualize. Probably why I was MUCH better at geometry than any other math.
When I had to take tests on pure memorization things, I'd actually think back to the memory of how the book looked when I read about the thing in question. What the air smelled like. What someone was saying at the time. It's why my notes were mostly random doodles of shapes rather than actual notes. It was easier for me to remember how the shapes looked or when I drew them, when I learned something Assurance dépendance, than the fact itself. When I was in theatre, I highlighted my lines with different colors, and would remember the color to know what line I had to say. (When I had a lead role, it was VERY hard to find enough colors for it, and to make sure they were sorted by chromatic scale lol)
You may not have the same fucked up semi-synesthesia thing I have going on, but maybe try to add visual cues to your notes somehow to make them more memorable?