I'm not really sure where this would go, but here is my question:
Is a large map better to break into a bunch of smaller maps, or would it be better to have all of the map contiguous? For example, say I had a building interior like so
[=====[ ]=====]
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With the area between the lines being a hallway or something. Would it be best both aesthetically and in transition to have each hallway be a separate map, or should I just make them all the same building? My concerns are that large maps may cause choppiness because of their size whereas more smaller maps might have too many transitions. What are your thoughts/advice on this?
Is a large map better to break into a bunch of smaller maps, or would it be better to have all of the map contiguous? For example, say I had a building interior like so
[=====[ ]=====]
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With the area between the lines being a hallway or something. Would it be best both aesthetically and in transition to have each hallway be a separate map, or should I just make them all the same building? My concerns are that large maps may cause choppiness because of their size whereas more smaller maps might have too many transitions. What are your thoughts/advice on this?