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Gaydads Interactive Present's - A Serenade Drama


Click here for the .mp3

Behold. This is an adaption based on true events, inspired by the novel "The Ugliest Little Duckling" written by D.E. Spagne

Serenade: sex!
Serenade: I could have had sex!
Serenade: but no!!!!!
Serenade: I make halo my priority!
me: um
me: she didnt like you
Serenade: you don't know that :/
me: yes i do
Serenade: orly now?
Serenade: how
me: becausey you are ugly
Serenade: ????
Serenade: are you fucking serious?
me: yeah
me: hey dont feel bad
me: it's not YOUR fault
Serenade: :/
Serenade: fuck it
Serenade: I'm not composing for your game anymore
Serenade: bye
me: :|
Serenade: I'm serious
me: :(
me: its not my fault your ugly either
Serenade: I'm not fucking ugly idiot
me: well
Serenade: I've had more girlfriends then you could count
me: maybe not UGLY UGLY
Serenade: and that was
Serenade: like
Serenade: before like
me: but you're not good looking by any stretch of the imagination
Serenade: puberty
Serenade: ok
Serenade: coming from a fatty
Serenade: no
FSerenade: ~
Serenade: bye
me: bye
Serenade: never talking or composing your game
Serenade: well your such a fucking asshole
Serenade: you saw a picture of me
Serenade: of like 2 years ago
Serenade: and you're calling me ugly
Serenade: so
Serenade: fuck you
me: um
me: whether or not i am good looking doesnt really have an affect on whether or not you are ugly
me: i'm not trying to insult you
me: it's just a fact really
Serenade: I'm not ugly
Serenade: your fat
Serenade: and it's
Serenade: "NOT MY FAULT"
Serenade: either
Serenade: that your fat
Serenade: and I'm NOT ugly
Serenade: look at
Serenade: arcanum
Serenade: ugliest crack head ever
Serenade: look at you even
Serenade: or
Serenade: look at sixty
Serenade: in existence
me: sixty's good looking dude
Serenade: no
Serenade: you pissed me off
Serenade: it's too late man
Serenade: it's a real shame really
Serenade: considering
me: too late for what
Serenade: I was almost done
me: don't insult sixty he's a good lookin dude
Serenade: it;s too late for me composing anything for your game
Serenade: you're not getting, and I'm deleting it right now
Serenade: there's
Serenade: hundreds other
Serenade: that want my music
Serenade: I won't waste it on some fucking fag
Serenade: that calls me ugly
Serenade: which I'm really not!
me: if your not ugly
me: then why are you so mad
Serenade: because
Serenade: you're calling me ugly
me: i'm not saying it with the intent to be mean
me: i'm just stating it
Serenade: yeah
me: i mean i saw the pictures
Serenade: you can say that about anything
    here there was like ten or fifteen minutes before he messaged me again
Serenade: guess what
me: :(
Serenade: those pics weren't even of me
Serenade: so
Serenade: fuck off
Serenade: anyways
me: if theyweren't of you
me: why are you
me: getting so mad
Serenade: because
me: about me calling someone else ugly
Serenade: you don't believe me?
Serenade: http://www.connorfabiano.com/images/
Serenade: a good friend of mine
Serenade: connor
me: then why did you post them
Serenade: I was about to say they weren't me
Serenade: but I wanted to see the reaction
Serenade: of the hairy legs
Serenade: until
Serenade: you came in
Serenade: insult it "me"
Serenade: insulted*
Serenade: so
Serenade: blah
me: it wasnt the legs that are ugly
me: it's the face and hairstyle, connor
Serenade: hahahahhahhaa
Serenade: I'm not connor idiot
Serenade: send him an email
Serenade: you've pissed me off
Serenade: a lot
Serenade: lately
Serenade: even after I tell you who it really is
Serenade: you call me con
me: it seem's like you have a ugly attitude too man
Serenade: well
Serenade: not the best day
Serenade: since
Serenade: like I said
Serenade: no sex
me: you missed out on free e-sex!



"you saw like 2 pictures of me, like 2 years ago, and call me ugly?! FUCK YOU!"

"theres hundreds others who want MY MUSIC, not giving it to some asshole who calls me ugly, WHEN IM NOT"


Oh my fucking god this is gold.  I'm tearing up it's so funny.  Best thing I've seen in a while oh god man that was funny.

good job, good job



hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha serenade you're so cute but no sorry.

rexxz i love you. gaydads is proud to have you on board.
Gaydads Interactive is too powerful to be stopped by a weak ban. We are a powerful underground Internet Army (TM) and will ruin anyone who gets in our way. Unbanned, unlocked.



Why is this stickied? I thought we wanted to avoid forum drama and look more professional. And why is it in the Writing section, when it's an MP3?



I have no idea who Despain, assuming Despain, was arguing with but bravo on the voice acting. The ending, magnifique. If there is anything to be learned from this is that Despain thinks sixty is a pretty good looking guy.

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