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Game's Title Screen - WIP

So this is what I have so far for my games title screen. The game's premise center's around religion, so I figured to use the heavens as the background for it. Done in GIMP. It's not finished yet, as I have to put the game's title art behind the words. What do you think?

What do you think?
I think it looks bad. But that's just me.
You should try changing the background art, maybe it'll look better. :)
Also, change the font. The spacing between the "Vagrant Saga" and "Liberation" is way too big. The glow doesn't look right, too...

Uh... Any relations with Vagrant Story? :P
SEE YA!!!!


Awesome Bro

Nah, the background doesn't look too bad, the font for the title just doesn't suit it though, I mean, maybe if you made the text bigger and bolder. Maybe it'd look better with a background logo to go behind the text too.
There's nothing wrong with the concept, but I think the fact that there isn't enough contrast between the text and the stars is your biggest problem. Also the image lacks depth, there's no indication that it is space - really its just a bunch of white dots. Is your story about space? or is it designed to indicate the vast-ness which is space? Whats its relevance to your game? You're font clashes a lot because its white on white dots, the glow makes alot more bright color surrounding the font which also reducing the impact of the text.

If you work on it, I would recommend making a visual focal point. A core to the image. Looking at this title I really have no idea where my eyes should be looking. The addition of a planet, or logo would help a lot. The actual font represents a classical era, where the background represents a futuristic era with the swirls of color. The color gives of a very "Clarity-fresh" feeling but there's still no visual focal point which really leaves me thinking - "K, so?"

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