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Games that Influenced You

There have been so many great RPG Maker games over the years, but what I want to know is: what games influenced you the most, and why?
My brother remade the intro of Fable II in RPG Maker. That's what got me into it.
In terms of released games that influenced me:
Off is my #1. It's so interesting and has such style.
Vacant Sky is a great game and showed me what you could do with RPG Maker!
A Bird Story is very wholesome and the story resonates.
Lisa is sentimental cause someone I know showed it to me. Never completed it though.



I'm assuming we're talking about RPG Maker specifically? There were a couple.

Master of the Wind is always the first one that comes to mind; it introduced me to a different stylistic approach from the standard fantasy fare with its use of comic book-esque storytelling and mainstream music. I remember there was an AMV built into...what, chapter three? That featured The Offspring's All I Want and I always thought that was neat, even if the execution, in retrospect, was kinda clumsy.

Quintessence always intrigued me because the battle system was completely event based IIRC. Also, y'know, the OST was the shit.

Other than that I generally just took notes from different mapping styles. I came to realize at a point that I am invariably shit at actually making games beyond "hey this is a neat concept" so I mostly focused on level design and made attempts here and there to subvert the expectations my players would have based on the common tropes of the genre. It, uh, didn't always work.
I think the majority for me aren't RM games, and the one in particular I don't remember much about at all, I believe it was from Gaminggroundzero or similar?

The biggest RM game for me was Ahriman's Prophecy, way back in the day. I didn't think much of it on playthrough not long ago but it definitely influenced my early game making. There was something about the evented action battle system that just clicked with me and it led me to always seek out ABS systems for future games. Also the heavy use of Refmap graphics, which I made good use of for several years.

Outside of RPG Maker it's definitely Guild Wars (1 and 2) that has had the most influence on me and has shaped the majority of my projects. The living world, the characters and locations, even the single-player style of gaming in an "MMO", all rubbed off on me in one way or another.
Outside of RPG Maker it's definitely Guild Wars (1 and 2) that has had the most influence on me and has shaped the majority of my projects.
Huh, figured Runescape would've been a strong influence, ngl.

The only RPG Maker games I've played thus far, is some mech game included with RM XP (I think?) and 5 minutes of Boned. Though I do plan to play some more from this site and give out ratings... eventually.

But if we're including stuff outside of RM, I would definitely ditto on GW 1 & 2, but also the classic Resident Evil games. Something about how they tell small snippets of worldbuilding via diary entries and the like I just really liked. That and the puzzle-esque survival elements! A couple other games that inspire me are actually Flash games; Murloc RPG and Sonny. Murloc does this side-scrolling RPG thing that I really like. And Sonny has a similar thing with limited skill slots, but I really like how well it is presented in aesthetic and the UI.



I'm right with you on the RE worldbuilding, Xhuk. Though I didn't really look hard into the idea of environmental storytelling until Fallout 3 and New Vegas -- both of those games did a great job of painting a picture without any direct player interaction.
Aberrant 2. It's a parody japanese rpgmaker2003 game that I hope gets translated one day.
(If I can dig up a link I'll post it here)
It kind of made me realize there's a whole world of rpgmaker games we haven't seen.

Also, the animations are pretty cool/funny:

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