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Game.exe Icons

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fox5":vpcbvad4 said:
That's amazing! But it doesn't work... :(
Am I being stupid or something, but when I copy the Game.exe with the LMS logo into the LMS game folder, it changes back into the RTP one... It asks me if I want to overide it, and then it just turns back into the defualt sun thing. However, if I open the game, the logo is there at the top of the screen! How do I change the actual icon in the folder?

EDIT: Ah, hang on, it works on any setting smaller than Views> Small Icon on Vista.
You need to refresh explorer. Either keep pressing the F5 button in the folder, stop explorer and reload it, or restart your computer. It will be fine for everyone who downloads your game for the first time with it's new icon.
I will make it with the text-less image, I won't have to redraw it so this will only take a second to do.
EDIT: And here it is.
That is your project's own logo (Without text) turned into a custom Game.exe icon  :thumb:
Still doesn't work. it works on any view smaller than medium, though. What am I missing? And I have refreshed it and restarted my computer.
fox5":29081epv said:
Still doesn't work. it works on any view smaller than medium, though. What am I missing? And I have refreshed it and restarted my computer.
you are saying it reverts to the original orange cog? I think I may be forgetting something here.
I will try on my vista pc.
EDIT: It's perfectly fine for me, so I suggest you delete Game.exe entirely and then copy over the one I made instead of copying it and telling it to replace what is there.

And I've just made Ralph's face graphic into a VX icon http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f81/xilefian/48-5.png[/img]
Xilef":opw1hvsb said:
you are saying it reverts to the original orange cog? I think I may be forgetting something here.
I will try on my vista pc.
EDIT: It's perfectly fine for me, so I suggest you delete Game.exe entirely and then copy over the one I made instead of copying it and telling it to replace what is there.
I never noticed this error until fox5 brought it up, and it doesn't look like it'd be a concern, but I tried your method and no new results (it's the orange cog at medium and up still).
Ah! It works. Thanks. One thing though, it still doesn't work on view size medium. Every other size it works great, but not on that one. It reverts back to the sun just for that setting. Is that because you didn't make the logo that size?

By the way, the new ralph icon looks a little strange. The right eye is definatly the wrong shape and size.

EDIT: Yep, I get the same as Rey_J, except with mine, it's just medium - everything before and after that works fine.
Rey_J":1p1rfhvo said:
I never noticed this error until fox5 brought it up, and it doesn't look like it'd be a concern, but I tried your method and no new results (it's the orange cog at medium and up still).
Honestly it's fine for me. Delete the old Game.exe then move my new one over. Icon sizes are to standard and I have cleared out the old Game.exe icon, so it's your computer's cache that's keeping the old cog there.
Ah! It works. Thanks. One thing though, it still doesn't work on view size medium. Every other size it works great, but not on that one. It reverts back to the sun just for that setting. Is that because you didn't make the logo that size?
I will recheck the standards for icon sizes, with vista the PNG compression resizes the closest icon size, so if I made a 64px icon but you want it at 60px and the next icon down is 32px, it will resize the 64px icon to 60px.
(Ralph's eye is really hard to get the detail right when looking at the original face)

EDIT: According to MS it works fine, I haven't put in sizes such as 96px or 128px, if you look at that page further down you'll see their explanation of what happens when not all icon sizes are specified, it picks the next icon and resizes it. So your computers are getting the orange cog to fill the gap, it's fine for me because I didn't replace anything with my icon, I'm looking directly at my new Game.exe without it being in a game folder.
When other people download your game it won't have this problem as they haven't got the cog cached, but you do so it should fix itself after a while (Could be a few boots, a few seconds, a few days).

If I wanted I could have made one 256px icon and converted that, the problem is it wouldn't work in XP and you would have more problems with the wrong icons showing up in Vista if you just replaced a Game.exe.
fox5":12y5356k said:
EDIT: Yep, I get the same as Rey_J, except with mine, it's just medium - everything before and after that works fine.
Oops. I have a habit of trying to only get the minimum, so I'm really in the same boat as you in this. I never checked large and up.
Xilef":12y5356k said:
Oh, that's cool. And all is well :smile: .
Wow. Those look really great. Good job. May I make a request?

If possible, could you make me just a gradient red CH in just whatever your standard font may be? Thanks in advance.
While your at it Im going to request one. It would like a have as sniper gun on it and a ermm gun-type feel it it, if you get what i mean. If you dont just make a Icon with a sniper if you can. Thats in advance =)
Rathalos":d1bdoltv said:
If possible, could you make me just a gradient red CH in just whatever your standard font may be? Thanks in advance.
Download CH Icon http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f81/xilefian/48-6.png[/img]

Making Danny2K's now.
To save me time PLEASE tell me if your project is RMXP or RMVX, it DOES make a difference, so please tell me in future.

Also, if you like my resources then check out my RPGVX Naruto style window skin, I do need comments!

EDIT: Danny2K's, it's not very clear, but a sniper rifle is rather complicated to draw onto 16x16 grids.
Download http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f81/xilefian/48-7.png[/img]
Yo thanks, its good anyways. I should have been more specific in what I was saying, but all i needed was a sniper rifle for my game 'SNIP3R', in RMXP.
Dude, these are pretty sic. Good job.  :thumb:

Could you make me a 3d ish ice sword in a circle?

Something like this for example...

Except the circle, more detailed/maby some sort of rounded diamond, and the sword a bad-ass looking ice sword.

An Ice sword like Freeze's one from Little Fighter 2? Sword made of ice. Or a proper sword just tinted blue with a cold look on it?

Yes, like Freeze's. Like, the handles normal, but the blade it's self is a really sharp, almost glacier kinda look if that makes sense.

EDIT: Could you actually use this for the sword?

That fits the description of exactly what I'm looking for.
guitarshredderj":1aiydpz5 said:
EDIT: Could you actually use this for the sword?

That fits the description of exactly what I'm looking for.
Is that your own custom graphic or one you found on the internet?
guitarshredderj":fqal4zty said:
I found it on the internet. I just added the drop shadow effect.

I'm using it for an icon too in the title screen, that's why it would be perfect.
Well because it's not really yours I'm going to redraw it (It will look similar) to avoid any issues. At the moment I'm finding the circle behind it difficult to make, it looks odd no matter what. Can you give more info on colours you want, how shiney/crystal like you want it to be like, etc. Just describe an ideal orb as best as you can please X_X
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