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Game: Duo Story



You're in the world of Ouqratoa. Living peacefully with your parents and sister.
Life is going well and you grow up normally. Untill.....

Your parents (Olos and Volkra) have a dream. Or accually a nightmare. The strangeness only is that they have the same dream on the same moment.

The dream tells them something about you. Someting horrible. Or is it?

The game starts when you (or accually Corinus) wake up one morning....

{EDIT: Characters:
Name: Corinus
Gender: Male
Age: At start 7, later on around 20
Style: Grappler
Info: The quick of thought, rushes into action kind of guy. Though sometimes, when he thinks his actions over, he might just reach his goal. And with a problem at showing his emotions, knowone accually gets to him, or is there someone that does know how he feels?

Name: Exlis
Gender: Female
Age: At start 7, later on around 20
Style: Mage
Info: Being kidnapped in her childhood, she is very shy and suspicius of everyone. The only persons she really trusts are her parents, Bres and Corinus (although she doesn't tell him everything). But, being gifted with a higher than normal intellengence, she might just get through all of this.

Name: Bres
Gender: Female
Age: At start 6, later on around 19
Style: Brute
Info: The butch of them all. Always saying what she thinks and never letting her friends down, she gets into trouble easily. But with Corinus on her side to aid in fighting, and Exlis mostly advising them not to fight, but eventually still helps them, she will find her way. And speaking of witch, she slightly likes Corinus :wink: .

Name: Volkra
Gender: Female
Age: At start 34, later on around 47
Style: n.a.
Info: The mother of Corinus and Exlis. How will she react when she finds out about the things her children are about to do?

Name: Olos
Gender: Male
Age: At start 32, later on around 45
Style: n.a.
Info: The father of Corinus and Exlis. How will he try to stop his children of leaving the humble village of Norfolk?

Name: Casandra
Gender: Female
Age: ?
Style: Reader
Info: She is a fortunetellster, though nothing but her name is mentiond, she seems to be on the "good" side. What will come of her after the childhood?

Name: Otrea
Gender: Female
Age: Though she looks 26, angels lose track of there age, so no-one knows her real age. Maybe she is hiding it on purpose :biggrin: ?
Style: Angelic
Info: She is the messenger send to collect Exlis. Why did she went to collect her, and why is she missing her halo?

Name: Xerol
Gender: ?
Age: ?
Style: Necromage
Info: The evil person, or so it seems. What does he have to do with the current state of Ouqratoa? Is he just a blamed person, or is he "the founding father of evil"?

The city of Norfolk, your hometown.

The path behind Norfolk.





Transfer (practice and time makes perfect!)

Perfect forest (didn't use that one yet)


Name list:
World: Ouqratoa (Won't be changed afterall, this is just me being lazy :thumb: )
All knowing person: The Storyteller
Hero: Corinus
Heroine: Exlis
Mother of hero's: Volka
Father of hero's: Olos
Fortunetellster: Casandra
Heaven: Crotos
Evil Lord: Xerol
Dog of Corinus: Whrughf (dies when hero turns 14)
Childhood Friend: Bres
Doll of Bres: Cleo
Mother of Bres: N.a.
Father of Bres: N.a.
Mother of Volkra: Selena
Father of Volkra: Brutes
Mother of Olos: N.a. (yet?)
Father of Olos: N.a. (yet?)
Shopowner: Ralph
Angelic Messenger: Otrea
- MORE TO COME!!! probably-

Ehm.. Not many (yet!!)
I'm thinking of doing something like:
- A casino: Slot machine, Texes Hold 'em, Dice games, etc.
- Buying a house (part from your parents house) and the ability of decorating, upgrading it and (maybe) have a small garden for growing plants, herbs, etc. Is at end of game. So instead that it ends with defeating the big, bad wolf, you will continue with rebuilding
- Marriage (!) - Is going to be a real pain in the bum (hehe, "Queens Brittish") Probably will need some help (anyone??) Is at end of game. So instead that it ends with defeating the big, bad wolf, you will continue with rebuilding
- Some secrets... (some with hidden messages, some to affect the rest of the game and (ofcourse) some with items)

So acctually what I'm saying is:
After you defeated Xerol (or whatever I'll do to him :thumb: ),the side-quests kick in.
- Build up your house, town, maybe even capitol
- Help out the people you've met on your quest once more
- Collect the remaining secrets
- Unravel the secret about the man in Ralph's store
- Protect your city from harm again (?)
[maybe I'll do this in a sequel.. I'll see when I'm finished with the main storyline]

Little old me ^^

- Intro p1
- Dungeon 1 - Pro Fight

To do:
- Ending dungeon 1 - After Fight
- Beginning on intro p2
- The rest :blush:

{EDIT: Demo: Skrew the faceset error, here is -finally- the new demo: v1.9
http://uploading.com/files/4M3P66K5/Duo Story Demo 1.9.rar.html}

Last word:
I would like to hear what everyone thinks.. (even the negative, every opinion counts ;) )

Gr. LM91
You seem to have uploaded the incorrect file, try compiling your project rather than just uploading the Game.exe file otherwise nobody will be able to test it. As for the thread, it seems a pretty solid base however there is not an awful lot of detail and it could probably be made a whole lot better if you worked at it a little harder. The screenshots again seem pretty decent but it may be worth you going to the Mapping Improvement thread and reading the various mapping tutorials to gain that little something else that will make them stand out and look a lot better.
I like what you have written so far of the story, but the character section needs more details. The rooms in your indoor maps are a bit to big. Finally, the fire in the fireplace is misplaced.
Des: Tnx.. I found it out after the uploading.... Going to edit it in a sec ;) And about the indoor largeness, it is (not exactly) the same as on the outdoor map (yes go and check, I did my best ;) ) so it looks big...

Crystal: saw it after I took the screenshot.. And because my intro is (still ¬¬) not completed I dont have the full info of my chars.. Still workin on that though :)

Btw: look at the Storytellers beard... It has purple in it ^^ (need to remove it to ;) )

Gr. LM91

EDIT: got it working now (hopefully)

So please, be my guest and test away ;) (above mentiond childs errors are still in it so don't post anyting about that)
I tried the demo, but got stuck due to a bug.

You managed to make the story interesting despite it being a "destined hero" type, or at least that's what the story looks like. I really want to know more about about the characters I've seen so far which is great.

However, the writing seems clumsy at times.
"When the couple made love" doesn't sound very good and that part also seemed unnecessary. I don't see why it was important to know where the couple looked at when they made love and I certainly didn't want to know that the man cut himself to show his love.

Also, you seem to have a fondness for names that are impossible to remember due to looking like a random string of letters. The very world the story takes place in has one of those names as does the main character's dog (or whatever it is, I've only looked at his skill.)

As I already mentioned, I got stuck. Once I could control my character, I moved him downstairs. There his parents had a conversation. After that conversation, the main character moved into an impassable object and was stuck. It happened twice and against different objects even, first time the lamp and second time a wall.

As it is, your game looks like it can be good, but it's in need of fixes.
Some of the tekst in the intro will be explained later on in the game (though still being vage :huh: )

And the bug... Weird.. I never found that one. Maybe I need to delete some of the lamps (there are a bit many ^^)

Anyway, thanks for the look at it.

Btw if you get passed the conversation, you'll see that the door to the house is missing.
You can't enter the shop (will open later on in the first quest) and the mayors house (will probably open when the caracters have aged).
There is the ladder -check the screen- (locked by an event ^^), the house of the grandparents (small house) and the house of Bres (mirrored version of your house).

If you will get passed the mayors house the next map will show and give you passage to a new scene, with only 2 scentences (for it is how far I was when I uploaded it)

I will upload a version 1.2 with this post, so I hope the error will be fixed :thumb:

Gr. LM91

http://uploading.com/files/PTFJXB7H/Duo Story Demo V1.2.zip.html
Can you elaborate on some of your functions? Just saying "A casino" and "Marriage" doesn't give us much information. What are the details of these systems? What do you do in the casino? What kind of games are there to play? Or for marriage, who can you marry? Both genders? Usually things like marriage are suited for a more life-simulation type thing, so this gives me the impression of more of an open-ended type game with side-quests and such.

Ouqratoa is kind of a weird name for a world. I'm not usually opposed to bizarre names but in this case it seems kind of plugged in there. I think names should be easy to pronounce on the first read, in this case you kind of have to reread it a few times. I imagine it would look a bit weird in-game as well, considering the rest of the names aren't very similar and make Ouqratoa stand out in a bizarre way.

Also, I'd ditch the "progress" thing. 5% isn't a very clear indicator, especially for people browsing. It doesn't give us a very good idea of how far along you are with this. 5% could mean it's an hour long or ten minutes long or five hours. Use a to-do list or write down what you still have to do so we know a bit more on your progress.

G'luck! :smile:
Now added:
- Info on fuctions
- Deleted my process (was to vage)
- Changed the age of Exlis (were supposed to be twins, forgot that while typing :blush: )
- Added some info on the chars
- Added a "To Do" list
- Updated my demo to V1.4
- Name list

Little question to people:
"Because I get critic on the name of the world (current Ouqratoa - OK, even I looked it up to spell it right - ), who knows a fitting name after playing the demo?"

Gr. LM91

PS: Make sure if your filling in an answer that you MAKE SURE that we know that it is for that purpose. If you like you can PM me, but I rather have it here so the others can give there opinion on your entry's. If I find a suitible, I will remove the question and let know what name I'm going to use.



PPS: this is not me being lazy, that whas the only name I could come up with :thumb:
Yay Norfolk! I live in Norfolk, and when that caught my eye, I was ecstatic for some reason. But I realized that the character names are REALLY unique. People want to be able to say a character's name with confidence, not with hesitation and awkward pronounciation. I'd name them something more simpler if it were me, but meh.

This seems like a stereotypical RPG. Several things erk me in the characters section, like Xerol.

Name: Xerol
Gender: ?
Age: ?
Style: Necromage
Info so far: He is the evil lord, and he will probably be the main "evil doer" of the game

You don't know the gender of him, and yet below you call him a he. "/ There's more where that came from, but I'll stay with that for now.

Other than some plot revising and a few other things, this game looks like it could be a good, stereotypical [not necessarily in a bad way] RPG.
Wow.... Never saw that one... (And Norfolk really is a town??? I just came up with a name, funny coinsidence, ain' it ^^)

Thanks for mentioning it! I'm going to edit it asap...

Btw, the name's are this way so you will be forced to give it something of your own... Example:
one person calls him [kse-rol] the other [ksé-rol] (yeah, there is a difference...)

And if you play the demo you will find out a little how the game is :biggrin:

Gr. LM91

PS I'm almost done with the dungeon (last few events). After that I will upload the next version.
@ambr: I think I accually screwd up at doing the update... I'll reupload it and leave a new message than...

Thus, till I update.. the link DOES NOT WORK!!!

(will work on this asap for I'm not on the pc that has the correct files..)

Gr. LM91

Added the info on Otrea.
I liked the concept of her so I'm expanding her role.
What she will do in the future... Who knows? :biggrin:

Gr. LM91
Just another bumb people think, no?

Well actually I redid/enlarged the char info and uploaded the new demo!
So, if you had not tried it, now's your chance! Nah, just joking with the "sales-pitch".

Anywhoo, the faceset bug is known, but if you still find some, please tell me. The story above is the next thing I will edit because I think it stinks.

So be on the lookout ;)

Gr. LM91

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