como":xj7qtw52 said:I have several things in mind (*cough*) but I doubt they'll ever happen.
i sure hope you have lots of money!!!Daxis":1kwzpar1 said:I want to learn japanese cause I wanna travel to japan for some real effing sushi. Additionally, I will never travel to a country unless I know the general language of that country.
Also, I plan to do a lot of manga translation. NOT ANIME, fuck anime, i want to translate manga.
I plan to visit germany.
I plan to visit/live in france.
I plan to visit italy (I want an italian wine bottle. Not the wine, the bottle. Not sure why)
My sister knows Portugese, and like hell am I going to let her know a language I don't. Brazil... maybe visit sometime, probably not.
I plan to visit vietnam without my parents in the future.
I plan to visit russia.
I plan to visit a spanish country- not sure which atm, but probably spain while I'm in europe.
Although I'm pretty sure ireland is english, I wanna try my hand at translating the old irish texts, documents, and myths, thus I'll be learning... wtf you call the irish language.
With the fact that my lazy year is over and my working summer has begun, I'll start off with german and french, because I have a lot of those dictionaries and tutorials at my house (not sure why), and japanese, since I read and watch lots of manga and it'll help out in the future.
Dadevster":2ad7f9as said:i sure hope you have lots of money!!!Daxis":2ad7f9as said:I want to learn japanese cause I wanna travel to japan for some real effing sushi. Additionally, I will never travel to a country unless I know the general language of that country.
Also, I plan to do a lot of manga translation. NOT ANIME, fuck anime, i want to translate manga.
I plan to visit germany.
I plan to visit/live in france.
I plan to visit italy (I want an italian wine bottle. Not the wine, the bottle. Not sure why)
My sister knows Portugese, and like hell am I going to let her know a language I don't. Brazil... maybe visit sometime, probably not.
I plan to visit vietnam without my parents in the future.
I plan to visit russia.
I plan to visit a spanish country- not sure which atm, but probably spain while I'm in europe.
Although I'm pretty sure ireland is english, I wanna try my hand at translating the old irish texts, documents, and myths, thus I'll be learning... wtf you call the irish language.
With the fact that my lazy year is over and my working summer has begun, I'll start off with german and french, because I have a lot of those dictionaries and tutorials at my house (not sure why), and japanese, since I read and watch lots of manga and it'll help out in the future.