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Dead Content [Full]Sacred Earth: Bonds

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w0w... been waiting for you XP version...
I'll give you your request later on
im not yet working on it because final term is currently coming and im in deep studying
i need to pass this finals man
so yeah
i'll pm you in YM ok
I'm kinda stuck on what I think is the last boss. It eventually used an attack that did over 1,500 points of damage to all characters on easy mode. It also has another attack that I know did over 1,000 points of damage and possibly over Maximum Max LF as well. I do know it's beatable though, so what did I miss that makes the attacks survivable?

Anyway, the game is rather fun. The story isn't anything particular, but I like the characters and their dialogs. Dungeons are usually pleasant, dodging lightning spheres being a big exception and exploring is fun.
Lonewolf":20wb3ehr said:
w0w... been waiting for you XP version...
I'll give you your request later on
im not yet working on it because final term is currently coming and im in deep studying
i need to pass this finals man
so yeah
i'll pm you in YM ok

I won't be on YM for a few days. But when I get back, I'll let you know. Thanks.

Crystalgate":20wb3ehr said:
I'm kinda stuck on what I think is the last boss. It eventually used an attack that did over 1,500 points of damage to all characters on easy mode. It also has another attack that I know did over 1,000 points of damage and possibly over Maximum Max LF as well. I do know it's beatable though, so what did I miss that makes the attacks survivable?

The giant hand? Well, it's been brought to my attention that one of it's attacks is bugged. That falling red crystal. I screwed up the algorithm for that one.
I CAN get you a database fix for that one if you want, but you should be able to beat it if it doesn't use it. The fix would probably be easier. Give me a sec.

Anyway, the game is rather fun. The story isn't anything particular, but I like the characters and their dialogs. Dungeons are usually pleasant, dodging lightning spheres being a big exception and exploring is fun.

Thank you, with the story I wasn't exactly trying too hard to dodge cliches or go out of my way to be original. I like how it was executed at least.

As for the lightning spheres puzzle, haha. Yeah, everyone hates that one. The wind one was supposed to be more infuriating though.

Ah well, thanks for playing. I'll get you that database fix in a little bit.

Easy Mode Database Fix: http://www.savefile.com/files/1819589

Just put that in the main game folder.
Wow, this is very nice.  I didn't get very far before I kicked the bucket (lern2paytension), but it has a very professional feel to it.  And the Summon Night graphics work VERY well with it as well.  You should be proud of yourself Skie, you made something awesome.
Skie Fortress":72670oz2 said:
Crystalgate":72670oz2 said:
I'm kinda stuck on what I think is the last boss. It eventually used an attack that did over 1,500 points of damage to all characters on easy mode. It also has another attack that I know did over 1,000 points of damage and possibly over Maximum Max LF as well. I do know it's beatable though, so what did I miss that makes the attacks survivable?

The giant hand? Well, it's been brought to my attention that one of it's attacks is bugged. That falling red crystal. I screwed up the algorithm for that one.

Nope, I'm referring to the boss after it, Maron. I'm also sure I'm talking about the attacks you said were survivable with good stats and some buffs. I'm curious what would be good stats and what buffs you're talking about.
Asch":q4eqi21a said:
Wow, this is very nice.  I didn't get very far before I kicked the bucket (lern2paytension), but it has a very professional feel to it.  And the Summon Night graphics work VERY well with it as well.  You should be proud of yourself Skie, you made something awesome.

Haha, thank you for at least trying it then. I'm going to be adding forced tutorials in the beginning to remedy the 'I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING!' issue. It's been brought to my attention that reading up on it before playing isn't cutting it

As for thew graphics. Yeah, I liked Summon Night's bright, upbeat style, which is why I've pretty much taken it up as my own working style now, heh.

Crystalgate":q4eqi21a said:
Nope, I'm referring to the boss after it, Maron. I'm also sure I'm talking about the attacks you said were survivable with good stats and some buffs. I'm curious what would be good stats and what buffs you're talking about.

Oh THAT. Well...

Well Maron has two Final attacks. Hand of Creation and Calamity Bringer. To reduce damage from Calamity Bringer, you need to have some good Parry(PRY) since it's damage is based on Power(PWR).

Hand of Creation's damage is based on Knowledge(KNW), so you also need to have good knowledge to defend against it.

To defend even further against both, use Gunnar's Awakening Outburst. It boosts all stats by a base of 50 + Gunnar's Knowledge

jony215":q4eqi21a said:
ugggh.. i cant access the Custom menu...

Press 1 to access the menu. But be aware that the menu is disabled in puzzle areas to prevent abuse. So pretty much you can only go to the menu in save halls.
I thought parry determined your chance to evade attacks, not physical defense. I guess I should have suspected something when I didn't see any accuracy stat. This explains a lot of the problems I had.

Anyway, Gunnar has 300+ knowledge which I thought was rather high. I guess not.
Crystalgate":152rddxr said:
I thought parry determined your chance to evade attacks, not physical defense. I guess I should have suspected something when I didn't see any accuracy stat. This explains a lot of the problems I had.

Anyway, Gunnar has 300+ knowledge which I thought was rather high. I guess not.

That actually is rather high, but chances are, the final boss used a stat boosting spell on itself before using one of the above mentioned attacks. That boosting spell called 'Steel!' increases all stats by 100 + Final Boss's Knowledge, so it probably got much higher than your knowledge/parry, and overtook you.

If that's the case then you need to keep boosting yourself to keep up. You should also use Patchoulli's Cheerlead outburst. It has a high chance to double the stats of your party members. Using that after Awakening would have some great effects.
Skie Fortress":3oijqq1j said:
Crystalgate":3oijqq1j said:
I thought parry determined your chance to evade attacks, not physical defense. I guess I should have suspected something when I didn't see any accuracy stat. This explains a lot of the problems I had.

Anyway, Gunnar has 300+ knowledge which I thought was rather high. I guess not.

That actually is rather high, but chances are, the final boss used a stat boosting spell on itself before using one of the above mentioned attacks. That boosting spell called 'Steel!' increases all stats by 100 + Final Boss's Knowledge, so it probably got much higher than your knowledge/parry, and overtook you.

If that's the case then you need to keep boosting yourself to keep up. You should also use Patchoulli's Cheerlead outburst. It has a high chance to double the stats of your party members. Using that after Awakening would have some great effects.
Thanks, but spamming Gunnar's Awakening did the trick.

Anyway, correct me if I'm wrong, but won't awakening just get stronger and stronger? Let's say Gunnar has 300 Knowledge which is close to what he had when I played. He uses awakening and boosts every stat with 350. Now Gunnar has 650 Knowledge, so the next time he uses Awakening he boosts the stats with 700 points. The result I got indicated that something like that happened. In any case, the fight became ridiculously easy.
Crystalgate":pykv5oju said:
Thanks, but spamming Gunnar's Awakening did the trick.

Anyway, correct me if I'm wrong, but won't awakening just get stronger and stronger? Let's say Gunnar has 300 Knowledge which is close to what he had when I played. He uses awakening and boosts every stat with 350. Now Gunnar has 650 Knowledge, so the next time he uses Awakening he boosts the stats with 700 points. The result I got indicated that something like that happened. In any case, the fight became ridiculously easy.

Yes, that's roughly what happened, It boosts stats by an increasing point value rather than anything static, so you can keep powering up. I'll probably nerf that, but right now, that's how it is.
Oh geez, I was fighting some really weak monsters, little dragon thinger
and it used flare field, 400 damage?!

I only have about 435 or so life!
The damage is a bit too high... :(
And with max hp of just over 1000?
Pro : Makes it so that every single battle is potentially life threatening.
Con : No one can really have a character that completely destroys low level monsters, but still has a good fight with higher difficulty level monsters.

I mean, the boss fights are really good because of it, because fighting Flann had me on the edge of my seat trying to have enough hp to survive her attacks.
But regular battles giving me gameovers on the second turn? Its a bit much.

also, the elixer targets dead characters but does not revive them, i accidently hit enter on my dead Gunnar, and when the command went through I was like, "Yay!".

And then gameover. :P (Other character only had 43 health XD)

I know this is just a prequel game, but when Flann turned into a dragon, it was just like, BAM! She can morph into reptilian monster that breathes flames, and youre not allowed to know how or why!



wow, i didn't even know this game was posted here. i'm gonna download this now, i had high expectations, i hope i'm not let down ;3
jony215":1q8px1rg said:
Oh geez, I was fighting some really weak monsters, little dragon thinger
and it used flare field, 400 damage?!

I only have about 435 or so life!
The damage is a bit too high... :(

Don't play Persona 3 then, you'll end up throwing your controller at a wall, haha.

And with max hp of just over 1000?
Pro : Makes it so that every single battle is potentially life threatening.
Con : No one can really have a character that completely destroys low level monsters, but still has a good fight with higher difficulty level monsters.

I mean, the boss fights are really good because of it, because fighting Flann had me on the edge of my seat trying to have enough hp to survive her attacks.
But regular battles giving me gameovers on the second turn? Its a bit much.

Well this setup was exactly my intention. I may mess with it a bit before the final voiced release, but it probably won't change too much.

also, the elixer targets dead characters but does not revive them, i accidently hit enter on my dead Gunnar, and when the command went through I was like, "Yay!".

Haha, sorry about that. I made it so that Elixiers revive as well now.

I know this is just a prequel game, but when Flann turned into a dragon, it was just like, BAM! She can morph into reptilian monster that breathes flames, and youre not allowed to know how or why!

There is no story behind Flann's power. She's a dragon. They can take on a human shape or a dragon shape. Their dragon shapes are their true forms. Anyone who is at least half dragon has a true form. Any less and they only have a human shape.[/irrelevant lore]

Rabbit Jack":1q8px1rg said:
wow, i didn't even know this game was posted here. i'm gonna download this now, i had high expectations, i hope i'm not let down ;3

Well then, I also take no responsibility for any disappointment you may have after playing. >:3
Judging from the videos, screenshots, and character bios, it looks like you put a lot of work into the game. I'm definitely going to give this a go soon.
Nice game but a few glitches here and there. Like during a boss fight I used a Finish Burst and it after it finished it did it again and there was a error called like something like The game actitived a event that didnt exist >_>. When you get the book from the library during the walking to the table well maron got in the way and well it all got stuck there. Other then the few glitches your game is great
I tried it out again its at the boss battle against Balcruase and Zuleika it only happens when I use the finish burst on Zuleika
light123":3rp263m4 said:
Nice game but a few glitches here and there. Like during a boss fight I used a Finish Burst and it after it finished it did it again and there was a error called like something like The game actitived a event that didnt exist >_>.

Yes, I fixed this already, thank you.

When you get the book from the library during the walking to the table well maron got in the way and well it all got stuck there.

I see, I'll have to adjust Maron's positioning then. Thank you again.


In other news, I'm remaking the main menu. Here's a wip shot. The menus that are being changed are only the main menu. I'm also getting rid of ranks and adding a skill chart menu as the method to obtain skills. It should prove to be more efficient than blindly spending SP on Rank.

I'll show a shot of the skill chart once I get to it.
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... /MLG83.png[/img]

I'm also fixing up sprites and so on. Here's a fixed Melodia. And then a sprite of the redesign for the next game.
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... prite3.png[/img]
http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c206/ ... lodia3.png[/img]

And finally, for the heck of it. A fanart of Maron and a new character from the next game.

That'll be all for now. Once the new menu is finished, I'll be working on the new tutorial events for the beginning.

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