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Dead Content ( FULL GAME ) Under.

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I feel the same way as Injury. From what I have played of the Black Effect I have yet to encounter a single puzzle, and the puzzles are what made Under great.


Awesome Bro

Agreed. I love every puzzle, no matter how straight forward it just brings back those days of RM2K and lots of Rast's puzzles and stuff. That was another great appeal. Towards the end, you run out of items to get, you rely heavily on the fountains, and it just makes battles more intense. I had died at least 7 times when Grier "fell". It was that small corridor that a puppy attacks you in, I couldn't beat that until I really tried.

I'll give it to Black though. No puzzles, and really hard battles that turn out to be puzzles, in one sense or another.
Just finished Under in about 4 hours (a little less, kept the game on at one point while getting something to eat). It was an awesome game, but the ending was, like some people have already pointed out, too abrupt and the story cut short. Still, amazing dungeon layout and intense boss battles (most) is what kept me playing it in one go.

About Black... I'd rather wait for the full game instead of playing the demo, but if you think it will be too long until that's released I'll give the demo a shot.
I'll assume that you guys have either not played the newest version of Black, or that you have not gotten that far into it because the their is plenty of puzzles, (Not as many as Under of course) and the difficulty does increase. However, the puzzle aspects don't really start till later on in the game. (Around the Zwail cave area and on).
@ Ragura. The demo of Black is around 6-7 hours. But don't expect a full game any time soon. At least 8 months away I'd guess. Maybe a little less, probably more. It's just scratched the surface. On the plus side. Anyone who plays Black can keep their save game and continue on after. Even with minor changes, and a possible battle system change the save game will still be compatable.
As for the ending, like I said it was originally part of Black. All one game. lol. So the ending was and is simply a part of Black.
Maybe the best way to say this is to picture Under as a dungeon in Black. But because I wanted to learn RMXP and enter the contest I simply slit the story into two.

Anyhow guys, thanks for the comments.
OK, so this is what RM games should be like. Seriously awesome stuff, I loved this game! Great story, great puzzles, great battles.

The only thing that bugged me was some of the dialogue didn't seem to flow very well and could use a bit of a rewrite (it's really hard to make it natural, don't worry I know!), and there were quite a few grammar errors ("you're" where it should have been "your", "a" where it should have been "an", there are more....). And as stated before there's some passability stuff that isn't quite right.

But yeah, pretty small complaints when it comes to the big picture. Over all easily one of the best RM games I have played! Can't wait for TBE!
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