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Fukuyama's Train Actor script.

(i don't know if theres already a topic on this but...)
What this allows you to do is have party members follow you. It should work with every script out there. Anyways, don't credit me, credit Fukuyama. Sorry I don't have a demo or screenshots or anything but I suppose you all know what to do with it, paste it above main, and call it Train_Actor.
Heres the script-
# Train_Actor
# [email=fukuyama@alles.or.jp]fukuyama@alles.or.jp[/email]
# [url=http://www4.big.or.jp/~fukuyama/]http://www4.big.or.jp/~fukuyama/[/url]

# â—
Its great, but its already something like this out, called "Caterpillar", but its still great... Where did you find this? since if you undestand japanese you could help getting lots of scripts (made by japs) on this site :)

Anyways this is good :) :)
I have no idea how to do that. but i found this script in War of the Scourge. I don't know how to read japanese or anything, but it does still work.

EDIT: To make it so you can't see the other people you have in your party, you have to delete them. And if your game is an adventure game, you have to do some condtitional branching
It says how to hide them right there in the script. The part isn't even in japanese...
You don't need to remove anybody.
Just make switch 20 in your game called 'Train actor off' or something, and when switch 20 is on, the train is hidden.
It says there in the script
If you don't want switch 20 to turn off the train, then just change the 20 to the switch number you want  ;D
Sorry if this is necroposting but...
  I am using Dargor's Large Party script with this script. In my project, there are 4 initial party members, but right away in the game a parallel process event gives you 4 more. Then it turns a self switch A on and its gone. So, there are 8 members in my party. However, there are only 5 people on the map. The player and 4 other members on the map.

So, that means this script is compatible with it. But only 5 characters on the map. And I did check the menu, the characters were there.

  Please fix, or tell me how to fix. Much appreciated!
Dark-Kyo":2pmvtf23 said:
This is similar to the "Catapillar"
Great script anyways.

Nay, nay, sir, this IS THE ORIGINAL Caterpillar script from way back in 2005. I still use this one for my game, as it requires less processing power (the trainactors are merely copies of the lead actor with different sprites, mimic-ing its actions, rather than seperate entities that use AI to figure out where the player is going).

It is not designed for large parties because of this. Just set the transparent switch on if you want the party to dissapear. But keep in mind that when the train actors become invisible, they still exist and can prevent moveroutes from executing correctly unless through is switched on.

Also, here is the translated version. I believe Blizzard and DerVVulfman were responsible for this. It also includes Blizzards stop movement mod.

# train_actor 

Caterpillar walking script 

Copyright © 2005 fukuyama 

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
Lesser General Public License for more details. 

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software 
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA 



# Config.rb 
# â–  Train_Actor::Config 
# Caterpillar movement of actor is carried out on map 

module Train_Actor 

# â—

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