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Free Hugs Campaign: Give someone a hug today

hugs brighten people's days. WE all need a hug now adn then. The free hugs campaign is out there to help people. Here are many vidoes of the free hugs campaign all over the world.


Attempt to ban the free hugs campaign

free hugs in japan

free hugs in Victoria BC

free hugs in brazil

free hugs in the netherlands

free hugs in china

free hugs in Israel

Its interesting to see the reactions in differnet parts of the world. I'd like to see what everyone thinks of this amazing campaign.
Wow, this is the most fag thing I have ever read.
Was it hard telling your parents you were gay?

Why are penises and the bible the same to young children?

Because they get it forced down their throats by priests.
I find it funny how it started in Miami, because honestly Miami is one of those places where people tend to go on their own way and not acknowledge each other (and I'll admit, I do that too). Nice to know that there are people who aren't wholly like that.
Yeah, I saw the first one a few months ago and posted it to MySpace. Now that I think about it, I haven't posted anything to MySpace since at least November. Anyway, I thought it was really neat. I first saw it because someone posted it to the spirituality mailing list I was on. After seeing the video I kinda wanted to do it, but I didn't want to seem like a shameless copycat or something (and taking credit for someone's work). I didn't know it was a campaign.
I think it's really a lovely idea.
A few people did it a few days ago in my city and I think they drew a lot of attention (and a lot of hugs too <3 )
I think people should buy the free hugs shirts from the main site. Its really nice to always have a free hugs sign around without using up your hands :)

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