Im sure there are alot of experienced scripters here so my question should be easy
How do you use the event command "Force Action" in script? I just want this since I want to force action a specific actoror specific enemyto do a basic actions that is
"Do nothing"
It may sound weird but I have multiple characters in my game and that event command only limits you to Actor No.1 to Actor No.4 currently in battle...
What I want to know is how do you script this command to a specific character of enemy?
Im sure there are alot of experienced scripters here so my question should be easy
How do you use the event command "Force Action" in script? I just want this since I want to force action a specific actoror specific enemyto do a basic actions that is
"Do nothing"
It may sound weird but I have multiple characters in my game and that event command only limits you to Actor No.1 to Actor No.4 currently in battle...
What I want to know is how do you script this command to a specific character of enemy?