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For Scriptors: Basics of OOP



Hello. My name is Broken, and I'm here to give my first ever Scripting Tutorial. I have decided to make a small Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Tutorial for anybody who doesn't understand the basics of OOP.

Note: This tutorial uses OOP as used in RGSS, but pertains to other languages, such as Java, as well.

For this Tutorial you must know:
  • how to create a class,
  • how to use the Attribute Accessor and what it is for,
  • what each of the data types are (String, Integer, Boolean, etc.)
  • what each of the comparison operaters are (==, >=, <=, !=, >, <, etc.)
  • how to define a method,
  • and what looping structures are and how to use them.

Step One: Purpose
The first step to making any script is a Purpose. Without a reason to make a script, there is no need for it. For this tutorial we will be making a PC Script. The purpose of the PC Script is to show how OOP works.

Step Two: Plan
The next step is to plan out the script. In this step you must write on paper in MS Word a basic layout for the script, any attributes for classes, and methods, with detailed descriptions of what they all do. The only part of the design I will tell you for this script is in the spoiler.

The plan is to create a PC with a Monitor, Speakers, a Tower, and Input Devices (Mouse and Keyboard). The class PC will hold instances of Moniter, Speakers, Tower, and InputDevice. The PC's components will inherit from Electronics. I will explain inheritence and instance later (as these are the purpose of the Tutorial!)

Here we will write the script. First we must create class Electronics.
class Electronics
Then we shall add the attributes and initialize method.
class Electronics
  attr_accessor :plugged_in
  attr_accessor :on
  def initialize
plugged_in is a boolean we shall use to determine if the electronic is even plugged in. We use on as a boolean as well to determine if the Electronic is turned on. If plugged_in == false then on will automatically equal false.

Now we will set up the inside of initialize. This method should have two arguments; plugged_in, and on. You should know what these are for by now.
We assign these arguments to @plugged_in, and @on, the instance veriables for this class.
class Electronics
  attr_accessor :on
  attr_accessor :plugged_in
  def initialize(plugged_in, on = false)
    @plugged_in = plugged_in
    if @plugged_in == false
      @on = false
      @on = on
As you can see, I used a conditional statement to test if @plugged_in == false. Also note that in the arguments, on = false. This is so that you don't have to pass a value to the argument. If no value is given, on will automatically equal false.

Now we must create the next class. We shall make class Tower now.
For class Tower, we will need these attributes: cd_drives, ram, proccessor, on, and plugged_in.

Note: Do you see on and plugged_in? These come from class Electronics. Look and see:

class Tower < Electronics
  attr_accessor :cd_drives  #Int amount of CD Drives
  attr_accessor :ram        #Int Size of RAM in MB
  attr_accessor :proccessor #String proccessor name
  attr_accessor :plugged_in #Bool plugged in
  attr_accessor :on         #Bool turned on
  def initialize(cd_drives, ram, proccessor, plugged_in, on)
    super(plugged_in, on)
    @cd_drives = cd_drives
    @ram = ram
    @proccessor = proccessor
As you can see, in the class definition, I add < Electronics. This is called extending a class, and the result is that the Parent Class (in this case, Electronics) gives its methods and instance variables to its child class (here, Tower). This means that class Tower can now be plugged in and turned on, like Electronics.

I also used a new keyword, super, which is important for inheritance. You see, if you want to use the parent class's initialize method, then in the first line of the child's initialize method you use super(args), where args is the set of arguments that must be passed to the parent class's initialize method.

Note: super can be used with other methods than the initialize method. Just make sure that the Parent Class method has the same name as the child class method that uses super!

Now we will create the Monitor class! This class contains the attributes plugged_in, on, and wide_screen. wide_screen is a boolean used to determine if the Monitor is a widescreen monitor or not.
class Monitor < Electronics
  attr_accessor :wide_screen
  attr_accessor :plugged_in
  attr_accessor :on
  def initialize(wide_screen, plugged_in, on)
    @wide_screen = wide_screen
This is a short and easy class. I'll just skip to the next class; Speakers.
class Speakers contains the attributes plugged_in, on, volume, and pan, where volume is an integer between 0 and 100, and pan is an integer (0 = pan right, 1 = pan center, 2 = pan left).
class Speakers < Electronics
  attr_accessor :volume
  attr_accessor :pan
  attr_accessor :plugged_in
  attr_accessor :on
  def initialize(volume, pan, plugged_in, on)
    super(plugged_in, on)
    @volume = volume
    @pan = pan
This looks about the same as the others, except for check_volume and check_pan. These are two methods we will create to make sure that @volume and @pan are within the appropriate ranges.
Here are these methods:
  def check_volume
    if @volume < 0
      @volume = 0
    elsif @volume > 100
      @volume = 100
  def check_pan
    if @pan != 0 or @pan != 1 or @pan != 2
      @pan = 1
These are very basic, and should be easy to understand. Now, what if we want to change the volume or pitch? These methods aren't called when a value is changed, so we now need to create two new methods. They will be the last methods in class Speakers.
  def volume=(value)
    @volume = value
  def pan=(value)
    @pan = pan
These are simple assignment methods, with method calls to check_volume and check_pan inside. This will ensure that volume and pan never become something they are not allowed to be!

And now it is time for class InputDevice! These usually don't need to be plugged in or turned on, so they do not extend Electronics. Here is InputDevice's list of attributes: name (the string name of the device), type (0 for mouse, 1 for keyboard), and buttons (integer of the amount of buttons on the device). Name is assigned 'Mouse' or 'Keyboard' based on type.
class InputDevice
  attr_accessor :name
  attr_accessor :type
  attr_accessor :buttons
  def initialize(type = 0, buttons = 2)
    @type = type
    @buttons = buttons
    if @type == 0
      @name = 'Mouse'
    elsif @type == 1
      @name == 'Keyboard'
And now for the ever-so-important class PC. class PC contains the attributes on, tower, monitor, speakers, mouse, and keyboard. on is determined by whether the Tower is on or not.
class PC
  attr_accessor :on
  attr_accessor :tower
  attr_accessor :monitor
  attr_accessor :speakers
  attr_accessor :mouse
  attr_accessor :keyboard
  def initialize
    @tower = Tower.new(1, 1024, 'Pentium IV', true, true)
    @monitor = Monitor.new(false, true, true)
    @speakers = Speakers.new(68, 2, true, false)
    @mouse = InputDevice.new(0, 3)
    @keyboard = InputDevice.new(1, 316)
Now some of you may be confused. Let me explain; in this class, the varaibles each equal one of the classes we created before. By typing @tower = Tower.new() we are saying '@tower is an instance of class Tower'. What this really means is, @tower holds all of the variables, methods, etc. of class Tower. and here is the really cool part;

As you can probably see, I assigned InputDevice to 2 different variables. That's because we need a Mouse and a Keyboard, but we don't want to make a class for each one. So we make on class that can be either a Mouse or a Keyboard. If we want both of them at the same time, just assign InputDevice to 2 different variables like I did, with the argument type equalling 0 on @mouse and 1 on @keyboard. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sence, so I'll explain better (kinda):

An instance of a class is like a copy. The original class is never really altered, and you can make as many copies as you wish. So if I say @mouse.name = 'Pickle', only the name variable inside @mouse will change. @keyboard.name will remain the same regardless of what you call @mouse.name. This is true with all of the attributes of an instance of a Class.

Now to test this script.
after placing the other codes in your script editor, replace class PC with this new class PC:
class PC
  attr_accessor :on
  attr_accessor :tower
  attr_accessor :monitor
  attr_accessor :speakers
  attr_accessor :mouse
  attr_accessor :keyboard
  def initialize
    @tower = Tower.new(1, 1024, 'Pentium IV', true, true)
    @monitor = Monitor.new(false, true, true)
    @speakers = Speakers.new(68, 2, true, false)
    @mouse = InputDevice.new(0, 3)
    @keyboard = InputDevice.new(1, 316)
  def main
    print @tower.proccessor
    print @monitor.wide_screen.to_s
    print @speakers.volume.to_s
    print @mouse.name
    print @keyboard.buttons.to_s
    $scene = Scene_Title.new
and go to Main in the Script Editor and replace line 12 with this:
$scene = PC.new
I hope this tutorial taught you something, and more importantly that it was understandable. I'm sorry if this confuses you, or in any way seems retarded (as I am horrible at explaining such things well). Peace Out!

hi i am wrate a Tutorial on how to make a airship

heres Lesson 1

to make a airship map you may need a airship tile set XD

heres a tile set of a airship i am using XD
@nichodo: wtf are you talking about? you're kinda lost...

@broken: nice tut, i really like it, keep it up ;D



Thanks, but I wrote this tutorial in January. Seems kind of late, no? I thought no one liked it, so I stopped writing tuts. I guess I can write an other, and see what people think of that one? Maybe.

Good to see someone liked it. Peace!
This tutorial is definately helpful! I knew most of it already having a little experience with RGSS, but I still learned a few things. You should definitely keep writing tuts. Just because you don't get replies, doesn't mean you didn't help anyone, and that no one liked it. You should always keep writing them, no matter what the response.



Alright. Thanks, Savior! I guess, if anyone has a suggestion, I might write a tut over that. (I will not explain how to Write Battle Systems, though...)

See ya.



If you look at the Parent Class of Monitor, Electronic, then you may notice that in the initialize() method, on = false. This means that if I don't pass a value to it, on will equal this value.

In other words, if I don't set on to true or false, it automatically becomes false.


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