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For Original sci-fi fans - Some spaceships & such.

I used to model stuff off and on and last year made a serious effort at Maya that schizophrenia eventually crushed. I produced a number of ships in hope of using them inside a game but as I cannot UV, much less skin or texture, they remained incomplete and will never be used in anything.

The majority of these are exceptionally low poly, only a few ever going above 10k (quads). You should be able to figure out which of those that is.

Modeled in maya 8.5, rendered in 3ds max.

Fore-warning: these are some fairly big images.

Old stuff
First we start off with my very first maya models, intended for use inside Starcraft 2 before I retired from modding and gave up hope on the game. These were created anywhere from Decemberish 2007 to last summer or so.

The League of Mailmen's Mighty Justiciar.

League Megacruiser, clearly a remodel of the Terran BC. Was mostly an experiment to see if I could replicate the shape.


Undead Gryphon, a 200meter heavy bomber.

Undead Artemes light battlecruiser

Undead Hydra corvette

Undead Fear megaship, was never finished. iirc it's sitting around 14k poly for obvious reasons.

Undead Zeral`Motakk Battlecruiser. This is an old render; I later updated it so the front looked more like a skull.

Kaloth Industries Command Ship, loosely based on one of the human ships from Stargate.

Giant mechanical spider with guns capable of shooting at orbital targets. My very first "mech"

Giant tripod. Loosely based on TR Stalker.


Stuff I made for the Armageddon Onslaught starcraft TC that I was forced to discontinue due to engine limitations.

Onslaught Juggernaut - First crappy version.

Onslaught Juggernaut - Revision

Salvation - ended up being stupidly high poly from the cones, but that's okay; it was for a sprite engine.

Onslaught Crusader - I took a very basic model my friend had made me for ITAS and completely rebuilt it from the ground up, then expanded upon it, eventually creating this 10k poly monstrosity.

A guy named SGT_HK gave my Crusader a uv map and a very basic skin. It turned out very well.

AO2 Conceptual Models

This is more serious, real-deal models I had created for the intention of trying to further my skills as a modeler. They go from the simple to the insane. At least, for me.

The City of Light

Dark Raven, a simple V-22-based extremely unrealistic doom chopper.

XB-42, based on the XB-0 iirc from Ace Combat. This guy was a far cry from the 30 minute work of my previous models to date.



Gahennas Dreadnaught, a huge leap forward in modeling for me. This monstrous ship took almost 6 hours to create. The side engines are individual Destroyers intended to be able to break off and engage independently.


Gahennas Battlecruiser, a smaller more aggressive variant of the Dreadnaught. I consider this to be one of my best models of all time.


The Ark of Nightmares, the colossal Gahennas flagship. Was never fully completed but took so many revisions to reach this point I gave up.


Gahennas Astral Carrier. The Maiden of Darkness

The Black Sun: Bloodstone Jordan

I tried to revisit my more serious universe and recreate some ships I had made for it by hackjobbing chunks of stuff together over 5 years ago. This was a challenge beyond my capacity to complete.

Xy`Kranasha World Eater II

Xy`Kranasha Gorekhan, The original Gorekhan I used in UF like 6 years ago was a hackjobbed b5 Primus. I rebuilt the model using the Primus design as a base but expanded away from it.

Xy`Kranasha Heraa

Xy`Kranasha Grammael


Anahn Blood Tornado, minus guns. Loosely based on Gundam Minerva.

Anahn Great Knight, a model based on Gundam Albion. I used an Albion for a few models in my mods in the long past (8 years) and greatly desired a model of this thing I could call my own. One night I finally sat down and made it. Uses turrets created by Axel with permission.

Xy`Kranasha Glecterror, this is a monstrous mega-render image so I'm just gonna link it. The ship is about 50% finished, missing most of its armaments and detailing I am not skilled enough to do.
http://img363.imageshack.us/img363/3351 ... ainxj5.jpg

Anahn Longbow supership


City of Light, giant honkin space gun edition

Anahn Bloodstone Champion II. The largest Anahn ship ever constructed, a tremendous vessel equipped with psionic warfare systems and countless weapon systems. Unfortunately I could not do justice to this legendary ship with my limited abilities and stopped at 10%.


An Anahn Corvette and an Anahn Jordan Cannon. Not to scale, of course (The cannon is freaking huge). Neither were finished.

ITAS 2.0

A few months ago I tried to revive ITAS, one of my old mods for Starcraft. This entailed redoing all of the graphics. I used a lot of the 3d models I showed above and created new sprites for Starcraft. This meant dealing with SC's extremely limited 256-bit palette and trying to figure out ways to bring out their detail. I'm only going to show a handful of the sprites I created, ingame.




I hope you enjoyed this momentary trip through a year's up and downs. I don't model anymore so these are the last things I have to show off to where ever I go. It isn't much. In my personal opinion, I think some of the models are decent, but because I can't UV or skin, their full potential will never be reached.
Holy fuck, those look incredible! Admittedly some are better than others, but as a whole, you seem to be a pretty damn solid modeler.
Hey fellas. I've been trying to figure out max again. Now, while I can't ever hope to skin or texture, I can fake my way through things and produce stuff like this. Not a new model by any means, but a new look to an old model.

I'de recommend throwing a larger planet that's near-by in the background and use it as an excuse to add a light source (planets reflect light) because as stands it needs lighting, it's just too dark to make out any details on it.

PS: Lighting is really tricky to do well so don't expect miracles lol. When it comes to 3Dstudio i'm rustier than a 1920's box spring.

Edit: Oh and if texturing is sucking for you try Z-Brush. if i remember right it lets you paint directly on your model. It's a little buggy but it's a hell of allot more intuitive than unwraps (I think UV map is the correct technical term..?)
Heh, zbrush confused the living hell out of me when I tried it before (I couldn't figure out how to get anywhere in the ui, even worse than max).

Right now this render is just from a video I'm experimenting with, mostly to try out pathing and camera handling. I plan to throw in a planet, or at least some moons into it later on. There is two lights, actually, but I agree that it is a bit too dark right now.
I find it amazing you got these done in Maya. I tend to find the UI of 3ds a lot simpler and eloquent. Nonetheless the complexity and abstract nature of the ships towards the bottom are awesome, and you should really grab some books or tutorials to learn to skin those beasts. With that you could make some really good high quality pieces. Keep it up, man! Modeling's a tough hobby to get into.
Heh, it's quite the opposite for me. I've been using max for like, almost eight years, and I still don't know any more about it then when I started. The interface is overwhelming. I'm trying to create Babylon 5-level animations and effects, but it's proving to be very challenging to try to get into that given the complexity and power of 3ds.

Here's a short animation showing one of my tests. Nothing fancy; it was mostly to see how the sky looked when the camera moved around. This scene takes place inside Hell.



My video card just decided to die and so I won't be able to check this thread very often now.
Damn. You have a sense of style that most people can only dream of replicating. If you don't know what I mean, I'll try to explain:

There are some people whocan apparently design something with little to no relative effort (when compared to someone without this sense of style), and then can sit down and say, "I could do better". I could go out and buy those programs, and it would take me years to be able to build anything with even a tiny bit of the sense of scale that most of your models convey, and, even then, they would take me forever to design. Your casual way of throwing out six hours as being on the extreme long side makes me wonder how good you would be if you'd take weeks (or more) to design something detailed, like they do in the industry. I mean, you could do some truly amazing stuff with these kinds of natural talents. (Not that you haven't already)
Design is fairly easy for me, yes. Creation is very difficult though. My limited modeling skills greatly limit my imagination and I've long since hit a barrier in my ability to develop those skills, preventing me from making the models any more detailed or flushed out.
Wow. Why do you keep saying you can't get any better? Really, the only reason you can't is because you tell yourself you can't. I wasn't able to learn anything related to programming until I stopped telling myself I couldn't do it. Not only that, but that test render is easily the most awesome thing I've seen outside a high-budget film like Lord of the Rings or the later Star Wars movies. The sulfur yellow was a little overdone, but the ambiance and renderings were spectacular. Also, try the youtube tags, that way you can post the video here.
Encouraging words for sure, but I'd rather not get too confident.

I've changed the lighting quite a lot and worked on the ambiance a bit. I'm currently starting to render semi-final renders for the project.

After the Hell sequences comes quite a bit of a bigger fish. Explosions, fire, and actual warfare.
IskatuMesk":3ruiq0sd said:
Encouraging words for sure, but I'd rather not get too confident.
Haha, I know the feeling. Humility is something all artists need to work on i guess...But still. Really digging your work man.
Hey fellas. I've been gradually trying to improve my skills in 3ds to hopefully one day bring you a fairly awesome battle scene.

Here's an updated AVI of the Hell sequence. Still not finished, but good enough as I work on the next big fish.

http://www.doack.campaigncreations.org/ ... gtest3.avi

Now I've been getting ready to take on the actual battle sequence. By taking my hardware to the limits, I've been able to create the following.





The Terran Battlecruiser was made by a friend of mine. The ring of fireballs will eventually become an actual ring of fire and not just a silly-looking mass of balls.

These effects were created in Afterburn inside 3ds max with no external editing at all.
I've got to say, the new video looks awesome as, well, hell. I have only one gripe, and that's with how the ship you follow moves. You've got it moving very oddly, when you consider the fact that it is not a submarine, but actually propells itself with those thrusters on the back. (I compare the movements to a submarine because that is the closest real life thing I can think of to compare how you have it moving)

Try making it move a little more directly, instead of like it is pushing through a lot of water. It isn't a boat, a car, or a submarine. It will move as though it were being pushed, not as though it had to direct itself like an airplane does.
I'm trying to understand what you mean. Do you mean, how it turns?

I had been giving thought to how the ship moves but I'm not quite sure how I could improve it. With the ship's main thrusters, it does have to turn to change direction. This is so it changes the direction of the thrust. Unless you mean how it rolls. I gave it a roll so it looked like it had more energy to it. But I think I understand what you mean. But I'm not sure how you want it to move.

In a lot of sci fi movies/animations I see that ships roll like that, especially in combat maneuvers.
IskatuMesk":1s7ugji9 said:
I'm trying to understand what you mean. Do you mean, how it turns?

I had been giving thought to how the ship moves but I'm not quite sure how I could improve it. With the ship's main thrusters, it does have to turn to change direction. This is so it changes the direction of the thrust. Unless you mean how it rolls. I gave it a roll so it looked like it had more energy to it. But I think I understand what you mean. But I'm not sure how you want it to move.

In a lot of sci fi movies/animations I see that ships roll like that, especially in combat maneuvers.

Well, the thing that bugged me most was how it took off. It looked exactly as though it were a submarine moving from deep water to the surface. Spaceships wouldn't move like that, even in an atmosphere, because the atmosphere doesn't resist nearly as much movement as water does.

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