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Folders for Charsets, wiked idea

Hi, i am asking for a request for a script.

Basically, i would like it so that when you get a choice of the colour of your character at the beginning of the game, with a certain script line, it would remember what colour you chose and looks in the folder for the colour your character is.. this is hard to explain.. let me try and explain it in rmxp style.

<>Message: Are you a boy or a girl?
<>Show choice:
      <> (Script -> Uses the boy folder, and remembers it)
      <> Choose a colour for your clothes
          <>Show choice:
                <> (Script -> Looks into the boy folder, for a folder titled "Red", and remembers it)

                <> (Script -> Looks into the boy folder, for a folder titled "Blue", and remembers it)

                <> (Script -> Looks into the boy folder, for a folder titled "Green", and remembers it)

      <> (Script -> Uses the girl folder, and remembers it)
<>Show choice:
                <> (Script -> Looks into the girl folder, for a folder titled "Pink", and remembers it)

                <> (Script -> Looks into the girl folder, for a folder titled "Purple", and remembers it)

                <> (Script -> Looks into the girl folder, for a folder titled "Yellow", and remembers it)

All the charsets inside these coloured folders have the same name, so the standard walking tileset would be names for example "walk_1.png" in every single colour folder, so when you start the game, you define the name of the charset for the walking animations, and using the script above, it remembers the colour that the walking animation should be.

Then if you want a runnning animation, you could do the same thing.

Im sorry if you dont understand this, i explained this the best i could, but i hope someone can answer to my request. Thanks :D
No scripting required. You can do this with events. If the characters are only different in rmxp hues, then you can save yourself from making the extracolored characters. If someone choices the red guy all you have to do is change battler, charset, to whatever it is for the red guy. For run/isometric/etc scripts you can probaly edit the scripts to change with characterset or hue.
Lol sorry, my apologies.. i guess i did not explain this clearly, oops :(.. I was actually talking about the clothes, if you hue the character, everything on the character would change.

To me, im willing to do characterset recolours, as i know the quickest way to do it in photoshop, so i could get like 4 or 5 of them done in 3 minz.

But thanks for your reply anyway Shadow Lich :D, but i believe that it can be better achieved to the quickest and easiest method that i would like to have, in other words, using a script, will allow me to do anything i like :D quickly and easily.

Cheers ;)

edit: My apologies, I have no knowledge of scripting, except how to insert them into the system :( and use them in events.. and sometimes edit them, if the script is clear and i understand what im changing, such as changing the numbers to the charset size or changing the name of the graphic file etc.
Because i would like my charset folders to be neat and stuff. So i dont have to have so many charset which has a part of its name for the same graphic, such as having a load of files like run_red.png, run_blue.png, run_green.png, run_pink.png, i would like all the names to be the same names, such as run.png, walk.png etc and this can be achieved by putting them in folders.

Edit: So this way, all you need to do to is define wot type of charset u want to be played, and because all the charset has the same names, but in different folders, all you need to do is make the script remember the folder u chose (in this case, the colours) then input the command for the charset

Script-> play charset ("run.png") in ("remembered folder")

etc.. damn this must be the most hardest things i have to try and explain...

Basically, i wana do this for a pokemon game, so you can choose the colour of your character, plus having charset showing the character (he or her) holding up the pokeball, and running, and swimming.
That would still require further work/scripting for whatever poses you use aside from running and walking.

:S I don't exatly see why this would be so important, maybe I'm not as much a neat feak as I'd like to think :-/ Atleast I finally see what you want, odd as it is. No one is going to need to look through your graphics file so it's neatness only effects you and whatever team you have. You could group the sets together by naming them, Red.png, red_walk.png, etc that would neatly keep your files together.

If you insist upon having the folders that will mean editting a run/walk/isometric pose script (you probably chage it to make different poses based on a switch), rather than make a new script to work with it.
It would be seriously easier to name them rather than rewrite the way the program reads the resources. Name them things like "male_red_run", and have the basic one be "male_red". I have seen countless scripts that use this method of doing thins- it takes the "_red" and tacks it on to whatever the name of the charaset is, so it would work regardless of the hero, and you would'nt need pointless folders.
I guess you guys are right, i can finally see that scripting is not really required, unless editing a current will make it acceptable to use.

But i do believe it will take excessive amount of work using events or without. If im not mistaken, i would require variables to remember the colour i chose, then i attach it to a switch for the pose i would like my character to do. Then i turn the switch on, then my character would attempt that pose to the chosen colour of his clothes? This would be created in a common event right?

Can someone confirm this for me please?

Thank you so much for your replies, it is really appreciated :D
Well, woodpecker that's if you edit a walk/run script to make it that easy. I'll go try to look one up and see how easily that could be fixed.

Twar3Draconis said:
You are talking about a Visual Equipment Script, right?
No, He was talking about complete character sets and pose sets sorted in folders by color.

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