Something terrible has happened to this world, but no one is alive to tell it's tale, except for one flower that has stored the soul of some young hero. You play as this hero, and try and revitalize the civilization that once was. When humanity perished, however, 3 factions rose in its place. A nether god (X'ilk), created from dark matter itself, commands the armys of blackness and nothingness. A blood god (Uburu), commander of the flesh and blood and remains of humans, morphed into something so vile, that it is hardly recognizable as once human. A skeletal god (Necrile), rose from the dead with human shape, but without human limits. These three gods pose a threat to you and your kingdom. Do you have the bravery to command a legendary army to victory, so that your civilization may live in peace?
Testing and toying with ideas that no longer represent final gameplay in any shape or form.
Upgrade to town level 3, and military tier level 4. Can fight all encounters except bosses. Only one agility dungeon.
After a considerable amount of bug fixing and polish, the game is released on its main host, and advertised on multiple sites. Any versions previous to this do not represent final gameplay. Upgrade to town level 4 (max), and military tier level 5 (max). Can now fight bosses. Three agility dungeons. Story intro and tutorial.
2 more atmospheres to play in (snow and desert), endgame can now be accessed.
Superbosses and tweaking! Also, may or may not be final update.
Upgrade to town level 3, and military tier level 4. Can fight all encounters except bosses. Only one agility dungeon.
After a considerable amount of bug fixing and polish, the game is released on its main host, and advertised on multiple sites. Any versions previous to this do not represent final gameplay. Upgrade to town level 4 (max), and military tier level 5 (max). Can now fight bosses. Three agility dungeons. Story intro and tutorial.
2 more atmospheres to play in (snow and desert), endgame can now be accessed.
Superbosses and tweaking! Also, may or may not be final update.