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FlamesEdge - RMXP (demo)

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The project looks alright. The mapping is a bit bland, but the world map is impressive. The one thing that really throws me off is how you insist on capitalizing the second half of every word. There's "JarLon" and "RoDan" and "GeOtif" and "MorGan" and it's really unappealing, at least to me :/ It makes the project seem inexperienced and less literate than one would like. But maybe I'm wrong and there's a good reason you're doing this.


Awesome Bro

Well it's better then mine... Maybe "they" have achieved such a high level of mapping, MAPPING so beyond that of human though could ever hope to comprehend, that it's blan in comparrison... (joking) :lol:
Well, the colours in the screenshoots you posted did look a bit drab.
Anyways, I didn't call it bad, and I do like the cave map in the first post.
Now that I look at it again, it's not as bland as I thought it had been. I just meant that the maps seemed a bit, idk, dreary. I guess you're going for sort of a dark, 'oh no, demons!' effect, but I think the colours could have a bit more contrast and saturation.
Maybe I'm just not a fog person then :)
But you should try saving your map pictures as .pngs - the quality would be better (the .jpg distortion might be causing some of dislike, I don't know)
But I do like the wyrm enterance map. Like I said, good mapping, just dreary colours.
Oh, and on the bottom left pine/spruce tree, there's fallen leaves or whatever floating above the branches, and it looks a bit off. ;]
i find the second vine (most right one) over the cave, and the repeating rock @ the cave
kinda weird..

It's a nice idea, but you might want to clean it up a bit..
Using MSPaint will do a LOT of magic ;D

And on the mangrove-like-trees, the one with both the saplings and the full tree, one of the saplings is beneath the big tree, but it's roots are in front of it..

This also can be cleaned with paint.
Its a simple copy-paste job ;)

These are what i meant..
Second.. the shadows are a bit off...
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