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Fitna -- Should it be banned?

Dang! I'm a muslim, not an extremist one though, but I agree this movie should be banned.
First off, not all muslim support Al-Qeda, but we all read Qur'an.

mega_man_aXe":2a8osi25 said:
Ok, just saw Fitna and I can see both sides of the story.  What Geert is depicting is the EXTREMISTS.  It is unfortunate to have people like that in the world, but I see why the non-extremists would want this banned. 

All Muslims follow the Qur'an, and yes, insulting Qur'an = insulting the whole muslim community. And frankly, there are stll racism towards Muslim in Europe and all other side of the world. This movie even harm the billateral relationship between Netherland and other Islamic countries. That alone is enough to ban this movie.

Second reason, is that he does not even bother to understand the true meaning of Qur'an. Heck, he even took the worst possible way to interpreting the of Qur'an.

Indeed, there are freedom of speech, but there are also other people's teritory that none is allowed to trespass and/or insult.
No, it shouldn't be banned. No one is forcing you to watch it. If someone wishes to watch it, that is their own choice. If a stupid movie can harm a relationship between countries, than I doubt that relationship was much to begin with and would have eventually been destroyed anyway.
adelaidechoc":1ilkie3x said:
Dang! I'm a muslim, not an extremist one though, but I agree this movie should be banned.
First off, not all muslim support Al-Qeda, but we all read Qur'an.

Hilarious. Of course an adherent to the religion being criticized would want it to be banned. But you seem to forget that Holland isn't a police state like Saudi Arabia.
No, but we could still stop it from being distributed here and there.

But I still persist that it should be banned as it also a propaganda against Islam, and to know this, you don't have to watch the whole movie, its trailer explicitly shows that.

Netherland is not a Saudi Arabia, but who said they never ban anything there?
<Croatian Band was Banned for being Pro-Nazi>
OBviously they are strict on that sort of shit. I know all about the anti-Nazi bullshit that they enforce in Europe. It actually does no good because there are hundreds of NSBM bands all throughout every sountry in Europe, and they can not arbitrate this law by any means. So as you understand, unless you're a police state that monitors anything and everything a citizen does, it is impossible.

However, propaganda should never be banned. The video itself is poorly made but as long as it stirs any sort of sentiment within the Muslim community, then it has served its purpose.

I don't see how repeating things that have been done or said next to the Quranic verses that are used to justify them is anything other than a statement of fact. Do all Muslims believe these things? Do all Christians believe that Homosexuals should be executed?

This is as much a call for moderate Muslims to clean house as a "deliberate provocation." Is it provocative? Obviously. But if moderate Muslims weren't so deafeningly silent on the subject of radical Islam, and would speak up and say something, Geert Wilders, bless his kafir heart, wouldn't have to say it FOR THEM.

Long live freedom of speech. Persons wishing to live under Islamic law should simply relocate to where it is practiced if it is so important to them. Wow. Now that's a radical, insulting concept.

Wake up, people. Salafism/Wahabism is TELLING YOU what it wants to do to you. Is it all Muslims? Of course not. But even if it's two percent, that's two hundred million people who want to see everyone who posts here dead.

On a lighter note, I had no idea that some Muslims believe in talking anti-Semitic rocks... who says they're crazy?

The inevitable response to the film (by people who of course will not have seen it) will no doubt produce tons of great footage for Fitna 2: The Fitna-ning.
Rexxz said pretty much everything I want to say.

It's a free speech piece that exposes what a minority of Muslims believe - Its purpose is to make the majority of nonviolent Muslims realize the radical sects within their own faith.
never even watched this before, or heard of it, and really, even as a kid, I don't think theres any need to ban this,it'll just fuel more stupidity.

It's not crap like this doesn't pop up everywhere, it's always the same thing over and over again, trying to target out a slim percentage of what really is and trying to drag everyone else down with it becuase of some racial or other stupid connection.

CNN reported of a riot in china that supposedly had several casualties, even with footage, looked very real, fueled some even more hate against chinese Olympics, and now cnn is being sued for a dollar for every resident of china becuase the footage was several years old, the whole thing was fake. Obviously, it was more or less only a few reporters fault, they'll be fired, non of this'll ever become common knowledge, and I doubt the legal actions will win, but you have to ignore that kind of stuff.

people are stupid enough to believe in all this propaganda, no doubt it's going to happen, in the US they do it becuase their just plain bored, racist, can't do anything about them, there is no "Legal action" to try and put them in their place, if you feel like it, punch them in the face, theres no cure for stupidity.
Didn't watch it and I don't think any movie explaining to its audience what Group A believes is bad. 

The fact is there are people who believe this.  There are those who arn't willing to act on it, but still believe it.  And there are those who don't believe this.

For those of us who don't believe this, its nice to know that everytime you fill up your gas tank your money is probably going to the houses of people who believe in this.  And thats the truth.  Remove oil, and you remove the Muslim worlds power.
unfortunatly, why is it that oil has not been removed? Simple, your government won't allow for it to happen. For one, too many people would lose their jobs, but for a greater part, the gas companies also gives the funds for alot of presidential campaigns and many things else overall. Take a look a cuba, they've got a dictator who doesn't give a hoot, and he decided to not use oil anymore, worked great, not a single person alive complained.


the second part is a joke btw, what Fidel did on switching gas sources was indeed a good thing.
I don't believe that any film should be banned due to its content, ESPECIALLY for political reasons.  It does indeed set bad precedents.  I'm a firm believer in that, if you give the government an inch, they will eventually try for a mile.  And eventually, they will get that mile.  So, never, ever give them an inch into an area where they have no business being.

Freedom of speech is protected in the US as long as you're not shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.  I'm sorry and I hate it, too, but this includes racist and so-called "hate speech", as long as it is not threatening bodily harm.  There is a difference between speech and a threat; threats are not covered and are illegal.  You will go to jail.  Hate speech is something that was invented when people suddenly decided that everyone should be "politically correct" and nobody should ever offend anybody.  Some homosexual people say that verses in the Bible are "hate speech"; so, who decides what is hate speech and what isn't?  Your "hate speech" may be part of my religion.  So, who gets protected?  You, because you consider something in my religion "hate speech"?  Or do I get protected, because I have the right to believe as I wish?  "Hate speech" did not legally exist until recently and in reality, shouldn't.  If you threaten to hurt someone for any reason, you go to jail, but you can't and shouldn't be put in jail simply for saying that you don't like such-and-such group or that such-and-such group is going to hell.  It doesn't make saying it right, but according to the First Amendment, unless you threaten bodily harm, you can't go to jail for it. 

I'm not racist and I don't agree with the ideas of racists and white supremacists and the like, but they have a right to say what they think whether you or I like it or not.  It's one of the key points of the First Amendment.  You can't restrict one type of speech or the other and according to the Constitution, the entire United States is a "free speech zone".  Once they start restricting one person's speech, then they want to go and restrict someone else's.  Then, someone else's.  Then, yours.  Then, mine.  That's how it goes.  It happens incrementally and so, in order to protect MY free speech in the long run, I must protect the right to free speech of others who say things I don't necessarily care for or even cannot stand.  They have a right to say it.

So, no matter how offensive and objectionable this Fitna film is, according to the First Amendment, you can't do anything about it.  If the film is banned in the US for its content, it's a violation of freedom of speech.

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