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Hey there i am in need of this particular script. I need it so that when you come apon a tile set (e.g. water) then it will display text saying "Do you wish to fish here? [Yes] [No]" If you say yes it will check your direction and change sprite into you holding a fishing pole. A prefered way is that you import the fishing charset with a '_Fishing' at the end of the name. like if your current sprite is 'Boy03' then if you import a char that is named 'Boy03_Fishing' then thats what it will change you into while fishing. Or do it using switches. like if switch 001-IamaGirl is on then change the sprite into a fishing girl. I realize this can be done using events but that is a tedious and lag-effecting way to do it.
No, it's not laggy at all with events, simple as hell:
All you need is ONE event.
Now this must run parallel, and always check what's your terrain tag.
Then, what you need is to modify your tileset and put terrain tag 1,2,3,4 on some white tiles.
Now, what you'll do, this is it: if the events finds that you are on terrain tag 1,2,3,4, he makes you turn in direction right, left, up, down (one direction for each terrain tag) and then you will put a check that practically say:

If - C is pressed
If terrain tag = 1
turn right
show choices
Wanna fish? yes/no
if terrain tag = 2
turn left
show choices

If it's not clear PM me i'll explain you everything.

1 event, 4 variables.
Not laggy at all.
(Btw there's a fishing script on the site)
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