You can copy the Call Comon Events, items, people, Switches and Variables.
Whit this you can buy a Fishing Rod and you can accept the Fishing Proffesion.
How more you fish how higher and more fishes you can fish
1. Add the Items thats needed
2. Add the Common Events:
Common Events are for events that you use many times.
Or you have to Copy and paste al those events.
Now you have to call the Common event.
For more information look under 6th
3. Make the Switches:
4. make the Variables
5. You need the switch: Fishing Accept ON and you have to got the item: fishing rod
6. How to call the Common Event near the Lake, Sea or other.
Whit Call the Common Event you can call 1 whit 1 Event.
Its really easy.
Whit this you can buy a Fishing Rod and you can accept the Fishing Proffesion.
How more you fish how higher and more fishes you can fish
1. Add the Items thats needed

2. Add the Common Events:


Common Events are for events that you use many times.
Or you have to Copy and paste al those events.
Now you have to call the Common event.
For more information look under 6th
3. Make the Switches:

4. make the Variables

5. You need the switch: Fishing Accept ON and you have to got the item: fishing rod

6. How to call the Common Event near the Lake, Sea or other.

Whit Call the Common Event you can call 1 whit 1 Event.
Its really easy.