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First submission

nicely done!
I REALLY like the pink haired one and would like to see that as a chara set. I think you have spriting hair down pact, the clothes on the left one are done well, I think, and the pants on the middle one I like, but the shirt on the guy and the far right ones I dont like. It may just be because its all black and my eyes aren't working right. Actually, now that I look at it closely, there is detail in the guy shirt.
Maybe you could throw a logo on it to add detail to his goth look. Maybe something white to throw in some contrast.
Im not sure what it is, but the one on the right is just not doing it for me. the hair is extremely well done (I can never find the right color for blonde hair...) I think the belt could use alittle more detail on the blonde.

other than that, maybe color there eyes to give life to them.
I like it, and look forward to seeing more of your work in times to come!

maybe take the blue on the pants down a few notches, dont think I have ever seen blue jeans that blue ;)
and add shadows to her thighes right underneath the shorts
is this any better?


im not realli sure what could go on the front of the guys tshirt, ive just tried a few things but nothing seems so look right, any suggestions?
trimmed them down a bit tell me if it looks better, the boots are supposed to be big anyway but i get what u mean bout them lookin overly huge


edit: the up to date versions of the sprites r in my sig



The more teal blue helps bring the shading out. On the guy's shirt: black is a very hard colour to accurately shade, but try using some mdeium-grey to give it a little bit of highlight. I recommend looking for a very nicely done black shirt by an experienced artist and mimicking the pallette... that is the best way to learn black, which is the toughest colour.

Don't forget to animate 'em ;) lots of people make very promising front-views but very few get finished.
Hey, it's always good to see more talented people post. Make sure that you put your skills to use and either get involved in a game or make one yourself!

For a bit of C & C, I say that the thirds feet are still pretty big, it looks fine on it's own, but clashes with the proportions of the other two.
Erk said:
Don't forget to animate 'em ;) lots of people make very promising front-views but very few get finished.

Hee, hee. Thats me.

Anyway, these look really good for your first submission, can't wait to see them finished and hope you make more.
took Erk's advice and used a different pallette for the black shirt, i think its turned out pretty well, ive tried a few different designs on the front but nothing really fits so i think i'll leave it blank




with all of them i think that the shoes should have a darker colour in them to create the same depth that the rest of the sprite has :D other than that, they're great
right ive done most of the first side frame but ive got stuck!:( i cant get the shape of the hair to look right side on, if anyone could help me by drawing an outline of how they think it should look i would really apreciate it (im really stuck , it keeps comming out looking like a helmet rather than hair:S )
Oh wow you're really good at the HKs. I really like the details you put on them. Would it be okay if I borrowed the mesh technique for a sprite of mine? The shading on the hair is really good I like the whole shape of it and everything but be sure to try and vary them a little more. There really isn't too much of a difference in their styles besides length. So don't be afraid of spikes or something more fluffy. The third one (the blonde) looks a little dull on the shading. Maybe it's because the others are black so it's hard to tell if you have them the same.. Seems like you could use a bit more depth on her. You did good on the shoulder area that casts the shadow of the head but you need to finish. Add more shading and don't forget a third color for highlights. Remember clothes also cast a shadow on the skin as well. So go ahead and darken it one pixle under the clothes and it really adds a lot of depth for something so simple. The shoes on her seem a bit big on her still especially compared to the other girl's. Her shorts need a bit of shading as well they seem just all one color. Use at least three colors preferably five.

On the belts and stuff they could use a little shading. They're all one color right now but just adding a bit of color change makes a big difference. Especially on the guy's chain. Darken the part close to his hand and highlight the area effected by the light. Don't forget to add shadows where the hair drops. The girls are okay but the boy needs to be darkend a bit.

Side views can get tricky. You did good so far with the body but as far as hair it pretty much needs to get redrawn. If it's looking helmet-ish remember that the hair sticks out from the nose. Don't follow the template's lines too much when doing the hair. Hair should be bigger than the template. Hope that helps ya out. :D
thank you for the advice, its helping me a lot specially about hair not being skin tight (seems obvious once some1 has pointed it out) i plan to work on the blonde girl a lot more when i have the first 2 finished (btw they r meant to look extremly similar, kind of the same person only with different genders) as for the belts n stuff, i always find it hard to shade small things (one or 2 pixels long) but im sure i could give it a go, and sure borrow what u want, its all good:D
nice work but there are 2 things i don't like that much.
1. the shirts are are a little bit uhm...single-colored^^ maybe you could make some folds on it
2. maybe the characters coul stand a little bit more relaxed in the 1st frame. especially jason & wolverine

maybe that's your style...it's just constructive critique^^ i would like to see more of them, maybe animated
Cool thanks. Yeah if they're meant to look alike then they're good. Differnt enough yet the same. I found that when shading small thing like two pixles thick just kinda slightly do it on the ends. Or make the top light bottom dark. Real subtle makes the difference.

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