While its an okay start. There are serious problems with your anatomy.
-There is no neck! Well there is but its sitting to low on the body to actually tell.
-The torso is incredibly long or the shoulders are kinda to high. I'm not to sure which it is.
-The guy looks like he's about to topple over!
But its an okay start. You seem to have a basic of how to put together a body for the most part but you have to think in terms of cylinders and things of that nature. Because the actual body outline that you attempted is filled with epic fail. Sorry to say it.
You'd want to go with something along the lines of this.
Which would eventually lead to something like this
Although my anatomy is incredibly shitty itself. :/
But more or less think of setting up the body using the letters T, an upsidedown U, and M.
Thats how I learned when I started to learn anatomy.
M-Pelvic area.
IE in case you're still kinda lost.
Don't mean to be posting images in your topic. :thumb:
But don't try to spend so long trying to get the body down perfectly in an initial sketch kinda thing. You're more than likely going to be changing up a lot of stuff by the time you're finished anyways because you may decide that you want a more heroic kinda pose or whatever. So don't waste to much time on it. Its just to help you get the basic idea of what you want down. BUT that doesn't mean that you can just throw out all of the basic anatomy stuff! Keep in mind of basic anatomy but don't get to caught up with it.