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First game: Tales of Spaniicia

OK so i am starting to create my first game with RPGmxp and also am just starting to learn RGSS Standard codeing.  This is the game i am working on and i wanted to know if it is going ok or if i suck completely. 
Edit: k so woops i screwed up the download i fix now
Edit2:K so i know i suck but i have fixed several errors and totally edited pretty much all of the maps.  and i have added some new scripts.

OK so basicly the story of this game is that you hava made plans to go hunting with your best friend.  You go into the forest and a strange voice pops into your head telling you to go to a rock.  The rock gives you some information and when you get back to your town it has been destroyed.  So you and your friend set out on quest to find and possibly destroy whoever did this.  On the way you meet several friends and learn many secrets to the outside world.  This is my storyline so far i may change it and/or add more to it depending on my friend who has just started helping me do this.

OKay so here are some characters
Aheron:  Aheron is 17 and lives with his mom and dad.  He doesn't know it but his parents had actually at one point saved the entire world from destruction.  Anyway Aheron's mother is sick and Aheron's dad runs a battle training school.

Matsu:  Aheron's best friend and most loyal companion.  He and Aheron have gotten into so much trouble over the years but always seem to pull themselves out of it.  He is 17 and a half by the way.

Bartimaeus:  A very strange man who spends his time holed up in his library.  Some say that the 29 year old is a maniac but what is he really doing in the stinkpit of a house he is in?

Mint:  The most peppy human on the face of the Earth.  This 19 year old flame is so bored that she really wants to go on an adventure.

Arthalo: Arthalo's age is unknown but he is said to be one of the long lost elves.  It appears that he has somewhat of a likeing for Aheron...wait that makes him gay....anyway that must be his reason for joining them.  Or is it something else.

ok i know i do not have screenshots right now but atm i can't add them cuz my dad and mom are making me leave my comp i will add them tommorow when i get home from school
EDit: and now it's done

http://i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq117/blhablha/untitled.jpg[/img] , http://i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq11 ... /other.jpg[/img] , http://i439.photobucket.com/albums/qq11 ... /khg-1.jpg[/img]
SoulReaperGod":3bceuqgi said:
And the game is cool

The best post ever made.

Dude if you don't know what's missing from your post you need only look at other examples that haven't been told that they need to revise it. It's far to much to make a long winded post about but I'll say this. If this is a spur of the moment random idea then don't even bother rushing in more spur of the moment details in the next 24 hours. Work on the story and characters looking at other works, perhaps the concept development section as well. And definitely look at some tutorials and work on your game intensively before returning to post it. If you don't you'll come back with enough but half assed details and it can only if not properly developed become a half assed game.

It screams cliche' if you didn't notice too? Actually seems very Golden Sun? The Wise One, a floating stone.
SoulReaperGod":1h51yl90 said:
Hey Arget there seems to be a error while i played ther game saying something is missing
An error?  when?

and thanks for the screenshot help
and what do you mean floating rock?

also i was expecting someone to say its a bit too much like tales of phantasia.  that's what it was originally based off of...
Hmmm and Arget the Rocky-mountains-title screen thing it isn't even in the data folder so you need to put it in with the game so people can play the game
SoulReaperGod":2at69chl said:
Hmmm and Arget the Rocky-mountains-title screen thing it isn't even in the data folder so you need to put it in with the game so people can play the game
It should be under titles.  but if it isn't then umm how do you find the game stuff and how do you put stuff in?
...Are you kidding me?
I played this game and its horrible.
TIP: On your walls, put an upper wall piece on top of it, always, so it doesnt look like an unwalkable floor with pictures on it...
2nd of all. Make sure you finish your mapping.
Give some way to let players know where to walk to get to the next map, don't put in an "Ub3r 133t sw0rd 0f p0wn" thats faggish, work on your mapping, get your battlers to work, find some scripts, and look at the tutorials...
you have an extremely lack of mapping experience. I suggest you to get familliar to the RMXP program before even starting a project like i did. Its sorta lame of doing a project once you got the program.
Shingu":2y7vxor0 said:
...Are you kidding me?
I played this game and its horrible.
TIP: On your walls, put an upper wall piece on top of it, always, so it doesnt look like an unwalkable floor with pictures on it...
2nd of all. Make sure you finish your mapping.
Give some way to let players know where to walk to get to the next map, don't put in an "Ub3r 133t sw0rd 0f p0wn" thats faggish, work on your mapping, get your battlers to work, find some scripts, and look at the tutorials...

k i know i suck at mapping.  i don't really know how to put in the upper wall piece...k i know that sounds retarded
also the uber leet swo blah blah i didn't put in there.  I am just having my friend help me on this game. 
but thank you for the criticism (even though it pisses me off though i dnt rly care) and i will work on it and fix
Thanks again

Also what i meant by first game i meant first game that i am actually putting work into.

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