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ok so i suck eggs at art but i decided to make a small animated gif of a ball bouncing into a oddly shaped foot. idk if i have the physics of it down yet but this is what i have so far
It falls much slower than it bounces back up, and I don't think it'd fall at a perfect 45 degree angle, you need to make it arch as it falls and bounces...
srsly, I'm good at these things, got a few animations somewhere around here...
ah ok, i think i see. thanks for the vid zeriab. you too jbrist, thanks for the info on the angling, as well as you wyatt. im gonna try to make another full one tonight!
Well mouse pretty much showed the picture of how a bouncing ball pretty much works.
but here's a tip, animation is all about Timing and Spacing.
It's a bit hard too explain, but here's a link to how it works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loCiTO8qEMI ( he can explain it way better than I ever could)