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first animated gif



ok so i suck eggs at art but i decided to make a small animated gif of a ball bouncing into a oddly shaped foot. idk if i have the physics of it down yet but this is what i have so far


halp ;_;



well it's a good first try!! but um I would recommend making it more ball and foot-like!

vv oh I thought that was intentional oh jeez


Awesome Bro

It falls much slower than it bounces back up, and I don't think it'd fall at a perfect 45 degree angle, you need to make it arch as it falls and bounces...

srsly, I'm good at these things, got a few animations somewhere around here...



ah ok, i think i see. thanks for the vid zeriab. you too jbrist, thanks for the info on the angling, as well as you wyatt. im gonna try to make another full one tonight!

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